Euro 2024
All Years
All Countries
Nul points

2019 - Tel Aviv

All participants Semi 1 Semi 2 Final Overview
Artist / Song
Run.Run.JuryJury ptsTVTV ptsJuryTVTotalTotal Pts ptsTotal PtsPlace
Jonida MaliqiKtheju tokes
Run.2Jury43 ptsTV47 pts4347Total90 pts9017th
Albania gaveX
12 North Macedonia 12 Russia
10 Switzerland 10 San Marino
8 Azerbaijan 8 Italy
7 Cyprus 7 Netherlands
6 Sweden 6 North Macedonia
5 Italy 5 Norway
4 Greece 4 Switzerland
3 France 3 Azerbaijan
2 Australia 2 Greece
1 Russia 1 Australia
Albania received (90 pts - 17th)X
Jury (43 pts - 17th) Televoting (47 pts - 17th)
12 Italy North Macedonia
10 Switzerland
8 Montenegro North Macedonia
7 Azerbaijan San Marino 7 Montenegro
5 Greece
3 Greece Russia
2 Cyprus Malta Romania
1 Italy 1 Croatia
Albania received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 7 7 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 1th 1 1
Cyprus 2 2 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 3 8 5
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 1 13 12
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 2 2 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 8 15 7
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 8 20 12
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 2 2 0
Russia 3 3 0
San Marino 7 7 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 10th 10 10
United Kingdom 0 0
Kate Miller-HeidkeZero Gravity
Run.25Jury153 ptsTV131 pts153131Total284 pts2849th
Australia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Norway
10 France 10 Iceland
8 Iceland 8 Sweden
7 North Macedonia 7 Switzerland
6 Netherlands 6 Netherlands
5 Czech Republic 5 Italy
4 Russia 4 Malta
3 Germany 3 France
2 Azerbaijan 2 Czech Republic
1 Serbia 1 Azerbaijan
Australia received (284 pts - 9th)X
Jury (153 pts - 6th) Televoting (131 pts - 7th)
12 Poland Romania
10 Finland Germany Iceland Moldova North Macedonia Spain 10 Iceland Ireland United Kingdom
8 United Kingdom 8 Czech Republic
7 Portugal Serbia
6 Italy Sweden 6 Finland France Israel Italy Latvia Poland
5 Israel 5 Germany Spain Sweden
4 Belgium France Ireland Montenegro Switzerland 4 Belgium Norway Portugal Russia
3 Austria Greece Malta
2 Albania Azerbaijan Greece Lithuania Netherlands 2 Belarus Cyprus Denmark Estonia Netherlands Romania Slovenia
1 Albania Armenia Lithuania
Australia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 2 3 1
Armenia 1th 1 1
Austria 3th 3 3
Azerbaijan 2 2 0
Belarus 2th 2 2
Belgium 4 8 4
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 2th 2 2
Czech Republic 8th 8 8
Denmark 2th 2 2
Estonia 2th 2 2
Finland 10 16 6
France 4 10 6
Georgia 0 0
Germany 10 15 5
Greece 2 5 3
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 10 20 10
Ireland 4 14 10
Israel 5 11 6
Italy 6 12 6
Latvia 6th 6 6
Lithuania 2 3 1
Malta 3th 3 3
Moldova 10 10 0
Montenegro 4 4 0
Netherlands 2 4 2
North Macedonia 10 10 0
Norway 4th 4 4
Poland 12 18 6
Portugal 7 11 4
Romania 12 14 2
Russia 4th 4 4
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 7 7 0
Slovenia 2th 2 2
Spain 10 15 5
Sweden 6 11 5
Switzerland 4 4 0
United Kingdom 8 18 10
Run.20Jury202 ptsTV100 pts202100Total302 pts3028th
Azerbaijan gaveX
12 Russia 12 Russia
10 Malta 10 San Marino
8 North Macedonia 8 Switzerland
7 Albania 7 Netherlands
6 Greece 6 Italy
5 Italy 5 Belarus
4 Slovenia 4 Malta
3 Cyprus 3 North Macedonia
2 Australia 2 Spain
1 Belarus 1 Norway
Azerbaijan received (302 pts - 8th)X
Jury (202 pts - 5th) Televoting (100 pts - 8th)
12 Russia 12 Russia
10 Georgia Lithuania Romania Slovenia 10 Moldova
8 Albania Greece Malta Portugal
7 Ireland Israel Italy Spain United Kingdom 7 Czech Republic Georgia
6 Cyprus France Latvia Moldova 6 Belarus Romania
5 Belarus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Norway Sweden 5 Denmark Lithuania
4 Austria Denmark Iceland North Macedonia San Marino 4 Latvia Netherlands San Marino
3 Serbia 3 Albania Israel Montenegro Norway Sweden United Kingdom
2 Australia Finland Poland 2 Hungary Malta Poland
1 Australia Austria Estonia Italy North Macedonia Spain
Azerbaijan received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 8 11 3
Armenia 0 0
Australia 2 3 1
Austria 4 5 1
Belarus 5 11 6
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 6 6 0
Czech Republic 5 12 7
Denmark 4 9 5
Estonia 5 6 1
Finland 2 2 0
France 6 6 0
Georgia 10 17 7
Germany 0 0
Greece 8 8 0
Hungary 5 7 2
Iceland 4 4 0
Ireland 7 7 0
Israel 7 10 3
Italy 7 8 1
Latvia 6 10 4
Lithuania 10 15 5
Malta 8 10 2
Moldova 6 16 10
Montenegro 3th 3 3
Netherlands 4th 4 4
North Macedonia 4 5 1
Norway 5 8 3
Poland 2 4 2
Portugal 8 8 0
Romania 10 16 6
Russia 12 24 12
San Marino 4 8 4
Serbia 3 3 0
Slovenia 10 10 0
Spain 7 8 1
Sweden 5 8 3
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 7 10 3
Run.19Jury18 ptsTV13 pts1813Total31 pts3124th
Belarus gaveX
12 Malta 12 Russia
10 North Macedonia 10 Netherlands
8 Cyprus 8 Norway
7 Italy 7 Iceland
6 Netherlands 6 Azerbaijan
5 Azerbaijan 5 Slovenia
4 Switzerland 4 Switzerland
3 Greece 3 Italy
2 Sweden 2 Australia
1 Russia 1 San Marino
Belarus received (31 pts - 24th)X
Jury (18 pts - 22nd) Televoting (13 pts - 23rd)
8 Hungary 8 Russia
7 Russia
5 Azerbaijan
1 Armenia Azerbaijan Estonia
Belarus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 1 1 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 1 6 5
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 1 1 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 8 8 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 7 15 8
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Run.11Jury77 ptsTV32 pts7732Total109 pts10913th
Cyprus gaveX
12 Greece 12 Greece
10 Russia 10 Russia
8 Italy 8 Italy
7 Sweden 7 Switzerland
6 Azerbaijan 6 Netherlands
5 Netherlands 5 Israel
4 France 4 Spain
3 Malta 3 France
2 Albania 2 Australia
1 Switzerland 1 Norway
Cyprus received (109 pts - 13th)X
Jury (77 pts - 11th) Televoting (32 pts - 20th)
12 Greece 12 Georgia Greece
8 Belarus Russia
7 Albania Sweden 7 San Marino
6 Georgia Malta
5 Montenegro San Marino Spain
3 Azerbaijan
2 Belgium
1 Netherlands North Macedonia Norway 1 United Kingdom
Cyprus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 7 7 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 3 3 0
Belarus 8 8 0
Belgium 2 2 0
Croatia 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 6 18 12
Germany 0 0
Greece 12 24 12
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 6 6 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 5 5 0
Netherlands 1 1 0
North Macedonia 1 1 0
Norway 1 1 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 8 8 0
San Marino 5 12 7
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 5 5 0
Sweden 7 7 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 1th 1 1
Lake MalawiFriend of a Friend
Run.3Jury150 ptsTV7 pts1507Total157 pts15711th
Czechia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Russia
10 Slovenia 10 Norway
8 Italy 8 Australia
7 North Macedonia 7 Azerbaijan
6 Netherlands 6 Iceland
5 Azerbaijan 5 Switzerland
4 Iceland 4 Netherlands
3 Malta 3 Israel
2 France 2 Italy
1 Estonia 1 Estonia
Czechia received (157 pts - 11th)X
Jury (150 pts - 8th) Televoting (7 pts - 24th)
12 Georgia Hungary Norway Slovenia
10 Portugal
8 Estonia Moldova Romania
7 Croatia Lithuania
6 Iceland Spain
5 Australia Belgium
4 Finland Italy Netherlands Serbia
3 Armenia Austria France Latvia
2 Australia Iceland Moldova
1 Israel Montenegro Sweden United Kingdom 1 Poland
Czechia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 3 3 0
Australia 5 7 2
Austria 3 3 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 5 5 0
Croatia 7 7 0
Cyprus 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 8 8 0
Finland 4 4 0
France 3 3 0
Georgia 12 12 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 12 12 0
Iceland 6 8 2
Ireland 0 0
Israel 1 1 0
Italy 4 4 0
Latvia 3 3 0
Lithuania 7 7 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 8 10 2
Montenegro 1 1 0
Netherlands 4 4 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 12 12 0
Poland 1th 1 1
Portugal 10 10 0
Romania 8 8 0
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 4 4 0
Slovenia 12 12 0
Spain 6 6 0
Sweden 1 1 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 1 1 0
LeonoraLove Is Forever
Run.6Jury69 ptsTV51 pts6951Total120 pts12012th
Denmark gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Norway
10 North Macedonia 10 Sweden
8 Germany 8 Estonia
7 Netherlands 7 Netherlands
6 Switzerland 6 Switzerland
5 Norway 5 Azerbaijan
4 Azerbaijan 4 Iceland
3 Russia 3 Italy
2 Estonia 2 Australia
1 Italy 1 Spain
Denmark received (120 pts - 12th)X
Jury (69 pts - 12th) Televoting (51 pts - 15th)
12 Italy
7 Georgia Latvia Netherlands 7 Sweden
6 Hungary 6 Estonia United Kingdom
5 Poland 5 Netherlands Norway
4 Moldova Norway Slovenia 4 France Germany Iceland Italy
3 Montenegro United Kingdom 3 Slovenia
2 Estonia Serbia
1 Belgium France Germany 1 Israel Portugal Switzerland
Denmark received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 1 1 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Estonia 2 8 6
Finland 0 0
France 1 5 4
Georgia 7 7 0
Germany 1 5 4
Greece 0 0
Hungary 6 6 0
Iceland 4th 4 4
Ireland 0 0
Israel 1th 1 1
Italy 12 16 4
Latvia 7 7 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 4 4 0
Montenegro 3 3 0
Netherlands 7 12 5
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 4 9 5
Poland 5 5 0
Portugal 1th 1 1
Romania 0 0
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 2 2 0
Slovenia 4 7 3
Spain 0 0
Sweden 7th 7 7
Switzerland 1th 1 1
United Kingdom 3 9 6
Victor CroneStorm
Run.18Jury28 ptsTV48 pts2848Total76 pts7620th
Estonia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Russia
10 Switzerland 10 Norway
8 Czech Republic 8 Netherlands
7 Netherlands 7 Slovenia
6 Russia 6 Denmark
5 Azerbaijan 5 Iceland
4 Serbia 4 Switzerland
3 France 3 Sweden
2 Denmark 2 Australia
1 Belarus 1 Azerbaijan
Estonia received (76 pts - 20th)X
Jury (28 pts - 20th) Televoting (48 pts - 16th)
10 Latvia Sweden
8 Israel 8 Denmark Finland
6 Serbia
5 Italy Latvia
4 Lithuania
3 Iceland
2 Denmark 2 Norway
1 Croatia Czech Republic 1 Czech Republic Ireland Slovenia
Estonia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 1 1 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 1 2 1
Denmark 2 10 8
Finland 8th 8 8
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 3th 3 3
Ireland 1th 1 1
Israel 8 8 0
Italy 5 5 0
Latvia 5 15 10
Lithuania 4th 4 4
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 2th 2 2
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 6 6 0
Slovenia 1th 1 1
Spain 0 0
Sweden 10th 10 10
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Bilal HassaniRoi
Run.21Jury67 ptsTV38 pts6738Total105 pts10516th
France gaveX
12 Netherlands 12 Israel
10 Sweden 10 Italy
8 Italy 8 Norway
7 North Macedonia 7 Spain
6 Azerbaijan 6 Australia
5 Iceland 5 Netherlands
4 Australia 4 Denmark
3 Czech Republic 3 Russia
2 Switzerland 2 Switzerland
1 Denmark 1 Iceland
France received (105 pts - 16th)X
Jury (67 pts - 13th) Televoting (38 pts - 18th)
10 Australia 10 Belgium
8 Belgium
6 Poland
5 Austria Georgia
4 Cyprus Germany 4 Armenia Israel Spain
3 Albania Croatia Estonia Italy Slovenia 3 Australia Cyprus Switzerland
2 Czech Republic Israel Switzerland United Kingdom 2 Italy Portugal
1 Iceland Serbia 1 Greece Hungary Romania
France received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 3 3 0
Armenia 4th 4 4
Australia 10 13 3
Austria 5 5 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 8 18 10
Croatia 3 3 0
Cyprus 4 7 3
Czech Republic 2 2 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 3 3 0
Finland 0 0
Georgia 5 5 0
Germany 4 4 0
Greece 1th 1 1
Hungary 1th 1 1
Iceland 1 1 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 2 6 4
Italy 3 5 2
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 0 0
Poland 6 6 0
Portugal 2th 2 2
Romania 1th 1 1
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 1 1 0
Slovenia 3 3 0
Spain 4th 4 4
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 2 5 3
United Kingdom 2 2 0
Run.4Jury24 ptsTV0 pts240Total24 pts2425th
Germany gaveX
12 Italy 12 Norway
10 Australia 10 Switzerland
8 Netherlands 8 Russia
7 North Macedonia 7 Netherlands
6 Switzerland 6 Italy
5 Norway 5 Australia
4 France 4 Denmark
3 Malta 3 Slovenia
2 Sweden 2 Iceland
1 Denmark 1 Sweden
Germany received (24 pts - 25th)X
Jury (24 pts - 21st) Televoting (0 pts - 26th)
8 Denmark
6 Switzerland
5 Lithuania
3 Australia
2 Ireland
Germany received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 3 3 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 8 8 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 2 2 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 5 5 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 6 6 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Katherine DuskaBetter Love
Run.13Jury50 ptsTV24 pts5024Total74 pts7421st
Greece gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Cyprus
10 Russia 10 Italy
8 Azerbaijan 8 Russia
7 Italy 7 Switzerland
6 San Marino 6 Netherlands
5 Malta 5 Albania
4 Slovenia 4 Spain
3 Albania 3 Australia
2 Australia 2 Iceland
1 North Macedonia 1 France
Greece received (74 pts - 21st)X
Jury (50 pts - 14th) Televoting (24 pts - 21st)
12 Cyprus 12 Cyprus
10 Russia 10 San Marino
8 San Marino
6 Azerbaijan
4 Albania Malta
3 Belarus Belgium
2 Albania
Greece received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 4 6 2
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 6 6 0
Belarus 3 3 0
Belgium 3 3 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 12 24 12
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Germany 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 4 4 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 10 10 0
San Marino 8 18 10
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
HatariHatrið mun sigra
Run.17Jury46 ptsTV186 pts46186Total232 pts23210th
Iceland gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Norway
10 Australia 10 Australia
8 North Macedonia 8 Sweden
7 Netherlands 7 Switzerland
6 Czech Republic 6 Italy
5 Switzerland 5 Netherlands
4 Azerbaijan 4 Denmark
3 Italy 3 Estonia
2 Serbia 2 Czech Republic
1 France 1 San Marino
Iceland received (232 pts - 10th)X
Jury (46 pts - 16th) Televoting (186 pts - 6th)
12 Finland Hungary Poland
10 Belgium 10 Australia Norway
8 Australia 8 Sweden United Kingdom
7 Belarus Italy Latvia Netherlands Russia Slovenia
6 Lithuania San Marino 6 Austria Czech Republic Ireland Lithuania
5 France 5 Estonia Romania Serbia
4 Czech Republic 4 Denmark
3 Poland 3 Armenia Belgium Croatia Georgia Portugal Spain
2 North Macedonia Russia 2 Germany Greece Montenegro San Marino
1 France Malta Moldova
Iceland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 3th 3 3
Australia 8 18 10
Austria 6th 6 6
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 7th 7 7
Belgium 10 13 3
Croatia 3th 3 3
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 4 10 6
Denmark 4th 4 4
Estonia 5th 5 5
Finland 12th 12 12
France 5 6 1
Georgia 3th 3 3
Germany 2th 2 2
Greece 2th 2 2
Hungary 12th 12 12
Ireland 6th 6 6
Israel 0 0
Italy 7th 7 7
Latvia 7th 7 7
Lithuania 6 12 6
Malta 1th 1 1
Moldova 1th 1 1
Montenegro 2th 2 2
Netherlands 7th 7 7
North Macedonia 2 2 0
Norway 10th 10 10
Poland 3 15 12
Portugal 3th 3 3
Romania 5th 5 5
Russia 2 9 7
San Marino 6 8 2
Serbia 5th 5 5
Slovenia 7th 7 7
Spain 3th 3 3
Sweden 8th 8 8
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 8th 8 8
Kobi MarimiHome
Run.14Jury0 ptsTV35 pts035Total35 pts3523rd
Israel gaveX
12 Netherlands 12 Russia
10 Italy 10 Norway
8 Estonia 8 Italy
7 Azerbaijan 7 Switzerland
6 Sweden 6 Australia
5 Australia 5 Spain
4 Malta 4 France
3 Switzerland 3 Azerbaijan
2 France 2 Netherlands
1 Czech Republic 1 Denmark
Israel received (35 pts - 23rd)X
Jury (0 pts - 26th) Televoting (35 pts - 19th)
12 France
7 Moldova
5 Cyprus
4 Georgia
3 Czech Republic Romania
1 San Marino
Israel received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 5th 5 5
Czech Republic 3th 3 3
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 12th 12 12
Georgia 4th 4 4
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 7th 7 7
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 3th 3 3
Russia 0 0
San Marino 1th 1 1
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Run.22Jury219 ptsTV253 pts219253Total472 pts4722nd
Italy gaveX
12 Denmark 12 Albania
10 North Macedonia 10 Norway
8 Malta 8 Russia
7 Azerbaijan 7 Iceland
6 Australia 6 Australia
5 Estonia 5 Netherlands
4 Czech Republic 4 Denmark
3 France 3 Switzerland
2 Sweden 2 France
1 Albania 1 Azerbaijan
Italy received (472 pts - 2nd)X
Jury (219 pts - 4th) Televoting (253 pts - 3rd)
12 Belgium Croatia Germany Malta North Macedonia San Marino 12 Croatia Malta Spain Switzerland
10 Israel Serbia 10 Austria France Greece Lithuania Netherlands
8 Armenia Cyprus Czech Republic France Slovenia Sweden 8 Albania Belgium Cyprus Israel Romania San Marino Slovenia
7 Austria Belarus Greece Hungary 7 Armenia Norway Poland Portugal Serbia
6 Netherlands Portugal 6 Azerbaijan Germany Iceland
5 Albania Azerbaijan Finland Switzerland 5 Australia Moldova Montenegro
4 Spain 4 Hungary Ireland Sweden
3 Iceland Lithuania Norway 3 Belarus Denmark Finland Latvia North Macedonia
2 Latvia Montenegro 2 Czech Republic
1 Denmark Ireland 1 Georgia Russia
Italy received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 5 13 8
Armenia 8 15 7
Australia 5th 5 5
Austria 7 17 10
Azerbaijan 5 11 6
Belarus 7 10 3
Belgium 12 20 8
Croatia 12 24 12
Cyprus 8 16 8
Czech Republic 8 10 2
Denmark 1 4 3
Estonia 0 0
Finland 5 8 3
France 8 18 10
Georgia 1th 1 1
Germany 12 18 6
Greece 7 17 10
Hungary 7 11 4
Iceland 3 9 6
Ireland 1 5 4
Israel 10 18 8
Latvia 2 5 3
Lithuania 3 13 10
Malta 12 24 12
Moldova 5th 5 5
Montenegro 2 7 5
Netherlands 6 16 10
North Macedonia 12 15 3
Norway 3 10 7
Poland 7th 7 7
Portugal 6 13 7
Romania 8th 8 8
Russia 1th 1 1
San Marino 12 20 8
Serbia 10 17 7
Slovenia 8 16 8
Spain 4 16 12
Sweden 8 12 4
Switzerland 5 17 12
United Kingdom 0 0
Run.1Jury87 ptsTV20 pts8720Total107 pts10714th
Malta gaveX
12 Italy 12 Italy
10 Russia 10 Netherlands
8 Azerbaijan 8 Switzerland
7 Netherlands 7 Norway
6 Cyprus 6 Sweden
5 Sweden 5 North Macedonia
4 Greece 4 Russia
3 North Macedonia 3 Australia
2 Albania 2 Azerbaijan
1 San Marino 1 Iceland
Malta received (107 pts - 14th)X
Jury (87 pts - 10th) Televoting (20 pts - 22nd)
12 Belarus
10 Azerbaijan
8 Italy Netherlands
6 Montenegro Russia 6 Armenia North Macedonia
5 Greece North Macedonia
4 Armenia Israel Poland 4 Australia Azerbaijan
3 Cyprus Czech Republic Germany
2 Sweden
1 Finland Latvia Moldova Slovenia
Malta received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 4 10 6
Australia 4th 4 4
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 10 14 4
Belarus 12 12 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 3 3 0
Czech Republic 3 3 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 1 1 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Germany 3 3 0
Greece 5 5 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 4 4 0
Italy 8 8 0
Latvia 1 1 0
Lithuania 0 0
Moldova 1 1 0
Montenegro 6 6 0
Netherlands 8 8 0
North Macedonia 5 11 6
Norway 0 0
Poland 4 4 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 6 6 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 1 1 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 2 2 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Duncan LaurenceArcade
Run.12Jury237 ptsTV261 pts237261Total498 pts4981st
Netherlands gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Norway
10 Switzerland 10 Italy
8 Malta 8 Sweden
7 Denmark 7 Iceland
6 Italy 6 Switzerland
5 Russia 5 Denmark
4 Czech Republic 4 Azerbaijan
3 North Macedonia 3 Spain
2 Australia 2 Australia
1 Cyprus 1 North Macedonia
Netherlands received (498 pts - 1st)X
Jury (237 pts - 3rd) Televoting (261 pts - 2nd)
12 France Israel Latvia Lithuania Portugal Sweden 12 Belgium Romania
10 Switzerland 10 Armenia Belarus Malta Poland
8 Austria Finland Georgia Germany Ireland Spain 8 Estonia Hungary Ireland Norway Portugal Spain
7 Denmark Estonia Iceland Malta North Macedonia Norway 7 Albania Austria Azerbaijan Denmark Germany Lithuania North Macedonia
6 Armenia Australia Belarus Belgium Croatia Czech Republic Slovenia United Kingdom 6 Australia Cyprus Greece Moldova San Marino Sweden Switzerland
5 Cyprus Romania 5 Finland France Georgia Iceland Italy Latvia Russia Slovenia
4 Croatia Czech Republic United Kingdom
3 Moldova San Marino 3 Serbia
2 Israel
1 Hungary 1 Montenegro
Netherlands received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 7th 7 7
Armenia 6 16 10
Australia 6 12 6
Austria 8 15 7
Azerbaijan 7th 7 7
Belarus 6 16 10
Belgium 6 18 12
Croatia 6 10 4
Cyprus 5 11 6
Czech Republic 6 10 4
Denmark 7 14 7
Estonia 7 15 8
Finland 8 13 5
France 12 17 5
Georgia 8 13 5
Germany 8 15 7
Greece 6th 6 6
Hungary 1 9 8
Iceland 7 12 5
Ireland 8 16 8
Israel 12 14 2
Italy 5th 5 5
Latvia 12 17 5
Lithuania 12 19 7
Malta 7 17 10
Moldova 3 9 6
Montenegro 1th 1 1
North Macedonia 7 14 7
Norway 7 15 8
Poland 10th 10 10
Portugal 12 20 8
Romania 5 17 12
Russia 5th 5 5
San Marino 3 9 6
Serbia 3th 3 3
Slovenia 6 11 5
Spain 8 16 8
Sweden 12 18 6
Switzerland 10 16 6
United Kingdom 6 10 4
Tamara TodevskaProud
Run.8Jury247 ptsTV58 pts24758Total305 pts3057th
North Macedonia gaveX
12 Italy 12 Albania
10 Australia 10 Serbia
8 Albania 8 San Marino
7 Netherlands 7 Netherlands
6 Russia 6 Malta
5 Malta 5 Norway
4 Azerbaijan 4 Switzerland
3 Switzerland 3 Italy
2 Iceland 2 Slovenia
1 Cyprus 1 Azerbaijan
North Macedonia received (305 pts - 7th)X
Jury (247 pts - 1st) Televoting (58 pts - 12th)
12 Albania Austria Moldova Serbia Switzerland United Kingdom 12 Serbia Slovenia
10 Armenia Belarus Croatia Denmark Hungary Italy Norway
8 Azerbaijan Iceland Latvia Poland
7 Australia Czech Republic Finland France Germany Montenegro Romania 7 Croatia
6 Albania Montenegro
5 Ireland Portugal 5 Malta
4 Russia
3 Malta Netherlands 3 Azerbaijan
2 Slovenia 2 Georgia Sweden Switzerland
1 Greece San Marino 1 Netherlands
North Macedonia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 12 18 6
Armenia 10 10 0
Australia 7 7 0
Austria 12 12 0
Azerbaijan 8 11 3
Belarus 10 10 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 10 17 7
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 7 7 0
Denmark 10 10 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 7 7 0
France 7 7 0
Georgia 2th 2 2
Germany 7 7 0
Greece 1 1 0
Hungary 10 10 0
Iceland 8 8 0
Ireland 5 5 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 10 10 0
Latvia 8 8 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 3 8 5
Moldova 12 12 0
Montenegro 7 13 6
Netherlands 3 4 1
Norway 10 10 0
Poland 8 8 0
Portugal 5 5 0
Romania 7 7 0
Russia 4 4 0
San Marino 1 1 0
Serbia 12 24 12
Slovenia 2 14 12
Spain 0 0
Sweden 2th 2 2
Switzerland 12 14 2
United Kingdom 12 12 0
KEiiNOSpirit in the Sky
Run.15Jury40 ptsTV291 pts40291Total331 pts3316th
Norway gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 Sweden
10 North Macedonia 10 Iceland
8 Sweden 8 Netherlands
7 Netherlands 7 Italy
6 Switzerland 6 Switzerland
5 Azerbaijan 5 Denmark
4 Denmark 4 Australia
3 Italy 3 Azerbaijan
2 United Kingdom 2 Estonia
1 Cyprus 1 Russia
Norway received (331 pts - 6th)X
Jury (40 pts - 18th) Televoting (291 pts - 1st)
12 Australia Denmark Germany Iceland Ireland Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom
10 Czech Republic Estonia Finland Hungary Israel Italy Russia
8 Austria Belarus France Latvia Lithuania Poland Switzerland
7 Moldova Switzerland 7 Belgium Malta Spain
6 Ireland 6 Portugal Slovenia
5 Denmark Germany 5 Albania Armenia Croatia North Macedonia
4 Portugal Sweden 4 Romania Serbia
3 Moldova San Marino
1 Austria Poland 1 Azerbaijan Cyprus
Norway received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 5th 5 5
Armenia 5th 5 5
Australia 12th 12 12
Austria 1 9 8
Azerbaijan 1th 1 1
Belarus 8th 8 8
Belgium 7th 7 7
Croatia 5th 5 5
Cyprus 1th 1 1
Czech Republic 10th 10 10
Denmark 5 17 12
Estonia 10th 10 10
Finland 10th 10 10
France 8th 8 8
Georgia 0 0
Germany 5 17 12
Greece 0 0
Hungary 10th 10 10
Iceland 12th 12 12
Ireland 6 18 12
Israel 10th 10 10
Italy 10th 10 10
Latvia 8th 8 8
Lithuania 8th 8 8
Malta 7th 7 7
Moldova 7 10 3
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 12th 12 12
North Macedonia 5th 5 5
Poland 1 9 8
Portugal 4 10 6
Romania 4th 4 4
Russia 10th 10 10
San Marino 3th 3 3
Serbia 4th 4 4
Slovenia 6th 6 6
Spain 7th 7 7
Sweden 4 16 12
Switzerland 7 15 8
United Kingdom 12th 12 12
Sergey LazarevScream
Run.5Jury126 ptsTV244 pts126244Total370 pts3703rd
Russia gaveX
12 Azerbaijan 12 Azerbaijan
10 Greece 10 Norway
8 Cyprus 8 Belarus
7 Belarus 7 Iceland
6 Malta 6 Slovenia
5 San Marino 5 Netherlands
4 North Macedonia 4 Australia
3 Albania 3 Serbia
2 Iceland 2 Switzerland
1 Spain 1 Italy
Russia received (370 pts - 3rd)X
Jury (126 pts - 9th) Televoting (244 pts - 4th)
12 Azerbaijan 12 Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Czech Republic Estonia Israel Latvia Lithuania Moldova San Marino
10 Cyprus Greece Malta Montenegro San Marino 10 Cyprus Montenegro Portugal
8 Georgia Germany Greece Italy Serbia
7 Hungary Romania
6 Estonia North Macedonia Romania
5 Armenia Moldova Netherlands 5 Austria Ireland
4 Australia Latvia United Kingdom 4 Finland Malta
3 Denmark Ireland Sweden Switzerland 3 France Poland
2 Croatia Spain 2 Spain
1 Albania Belarus Lithuania 1 Belgium Norway
Russia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 1 13 12
Armenia 5 17 12
Australia 4 4 0
Austria 5th 5 5
Azerbaijan 12 24 12
Belarus 1 13 12
Belgium 1th 1 1
Croatia 2 2 0
Cyprus 10 20 10
Czech Republic 12th 12 12
Denmark 3 3 0
Estonia 6 18 12
Finland 4th 4 4
France 3th 3 3
Georgia 8th 8 8
Germany 8th 8 8
Greece 10 18 8
Hungary 7th 7 7
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 3 8 5
Israel 12th 12 12
Italy 8th 8 8
Latvia 4 16 12
Lithuania 1 13 12
Malta 10 14 4
Moldova 5 17 12
Montenegro 10 20 10
Netherlands 5 5 0
North Macedonia 6 6 0
Norway 1th 1 1
Poland 3th 3 3
Portugal 10th 10 10
Romania 6 13 7
San Marino 10 22 12
Serbia 8th 8 8
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 2 4 2
Sweden 3 3 0
Switzerland 3 3 0
United Kingdom 4 4 0
SerhatSay Na Na Na
Run.7Jury12 ptsTV65 pts1265Total77 pts7719th
San Marino gaveX
12 Italy 12 Russia
10 Russia 10 Greece
8 Greece 8 Italy
7 Albania 7 Cyprus
6 Iceland 6 Netherlands
5 Cyprus 5 Switzerland
4 Azerbaijan 4 Azerbaijan
3 Netherlands 3 Norway
2 Switzerland 2 Iceland
1 North Macedonia 1 Israel
San Marino received (77 pts - 19th)X
Jury (12 pts - 23rd) Televoting (65 pts - 10th)
10 Albania Azerbaijan Georgia
8 Moldova Montenegro North Macedonia
6 Greece 6 Hungary
5 Russia
2 Croatia
1 Malta 1 Belarus Iceland Serbia
San Marino received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 10th 10 10
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 10th 10 10
Belarus 1th 1 1
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 2th 2 2
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 10th 10 10
Germany 0 0
Greece 6 6 0
Hungary 6th 6 6
Iceland 1th 1 1
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 1 1 0
Moldova 8th 8 8
Montenegro 8th 8 8
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 8th 8 8
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 5 5 0
Serbia 1th 1 1
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Nevena BozovicKruna
Run.23Jury35 ptsTV54 pts3554Total89 pts8918th
Serbia gaveX
12 North Macedonia 12 North Macedonia
10 Italy 10 Slovenia
8 Sweden 8 Russia
7 Australia 7 Italy
6 Estonia 6 Switzerland
5 Switzerland 5 Iceland
4 Czech Republic 4 Norway
3 Azerbaijan 3 Netherlands
2 Denmark 2 Spain
1 France 1 San Marino
Serbia received (89 pts - 18th)X
Jury (35 pts - 19th) Televoting (54 pts - 13th)
12 Montenegro 12 Montenegro
10 North Macedonia Slovenia
8 Croatia
7 Poland 7 Switzerland
4 Croatia Estonia 4 Austria
3 Romania 3 Russia
2 Austria Iceland
1 Australia
Serbia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 1 1 0
Austria 2 6 4
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 4 12 8
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 4 4 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 2 2 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 12 24 12
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 10th 10 10
Norway 0 0
Poland 7 7 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 3 3 0
Russia 3th 3 3
San Marino 0 0
Slovenia 10th 10 10
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 7th 7 7
United Kingdom 0 0
Zala Kralj & Gasper SantlSebi
Run.10Jury46 ptsTV59 pts4659Total105 pts10515th
Slovenia gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 North Macedonia
10 Azerbaijan 10 Serbia
8 Italy 8 Italy
7 Sweden 7 Iceland
6 Netherlands 6 Norway
5 Switzerland 5 Netherlands
4 Denmark 4 Switzerland
3 France 3 Denmark
2 North Macedonia 2 Australia
1 Malta 1 Estonia
Slovenia received (105 pts - 15th)X
Jury (46 pts - 15th) Televoting (59 pts - 11th)
10 Czech Republic Poland 10 Croatia Serbia
7 Estonia
6 Finland 6 Russia
5 Belarus
4 Azerbaijan Georgia Greece Lithuania 4 Montenegro Poland
3 Portugal 3 Germany Hungary
2 Austria Latvia North Macedonia
1 Spain 1 Finland
Slovenia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 2th 2 2
Azerbaijan 4 4 0
Belarus 5th 5 5
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 10th 10 10
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 10 10 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 7th 7 7
Finland 6 7 1
France 0 0
Georgia 4 4 0
Germany 3th 3 3
Greece 4 4 0
Hungary 3th 3 3
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 2th 2 2
Lithuania 4 4 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 4th 4 4
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 2th 2 2
Norway 0 0
Poland 10 14 4
Portugal 3 3 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 6th 6 6
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 10th 10 10
Spain 1 1 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
MikiLa Venda
Run.26Jury1 ptsTV53 pts153Total54 pts5422nd
Spain gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Italy
10 Australia 10 Switzerland
8 Netherlands 8 Netherlands
7 Azerbaijan 7 Norway
6 Czech Republic 6 Sweden
5 Cyprus 5 Australia
4 Italy 4 France
3 Switzerland 3 Iceland
2 Russia 2 Russia
1 Slovenia 1 Azerbaijan
Spain received (54 pts - 22nd)X
Jury (1 pts - 25th) Televoting (53 pts - 14th)
12 Portugal
7 France
6 Belgium
5 Israel Switzerland
4 Cyprus Greece
3 Netherlands
2 Azerbaijan Serbia United Kingdom
1 Russia 1 Denmark
Spain received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 0 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 2th 2 2
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 6th 6 6
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 4th 4 4
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 1th 1 1
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 7th 7 7
Georgia 0 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 4th 4 4
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 0 0
Israel 5th 5 5
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 3th 3 3
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 12th 12 12
Romania 0 0
Russia 1 1 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 2th 2 2
Slovenia 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 5th 5 5
United Kingdom 2th 2 2
Jon LundvikToo Late For Love
Run.9Jury241 ptsTV93 pts24193Total334 pts3345th
Sweden gaveX
12 Netherlands 12 Norway
10 Switzerland 10 Estonia
8 Italy 8 Iceland
7 Cyprus 7 Denmark
6 Australia 6 Netherlands
5 Azerbaijan 5 Australia
4 Norway 4 Italy
3 Russia 3 Azerbaijan
2 Malta 2 North Macedonia
1 Czech Republic 1 Switzerland
Sweden received (334 pts - 5th)X
Jury (241 pts - 2nd) Televoting (93 pts - 9th)
12 Armenia Australia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland Iceland Ireland Netherlands Spain 12 Norway
10 France Latvia United Kingdom 10 Denmark
8 Lithuania Norway Serbia Switzerland 8 Australia Iceland Netherlands
7 Cyprus Slovenia 7 Finland
6 Albania Austria Israel 6 Georgia Malta Spain
5 Croatia Malta 5 United Kingdom
4 Hungary 4 Switzerland
3 Estonia Lithuania
2 Belarus Georgia Germany Italy Moldova Portugal 2 Armenia Belgium Ireland
1 Romania 1 Germany
Sweden received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 6 6 0
Armenia 12 14 2
Australia 12 20 8
Austria 6 6 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 2 2 0
Belgium 2th 2 2
Croatia 5 5 0
Cyprus 7 7 0
Czech Republic 12 12 0
Denmark 12 22 10
Estonia 12 15 3
Finland 12 19 7
France 10 10 0
Georgia 2 8 6
Germany 2 3 1
Greece 0 0
Hungary 4 4 0
Iceland 12 20 8
Ireland 12 14 2
Israel 6 6 0
Italy 2 2 0
Latvia 10 10 0
Lithuania 8 11 3
Malta 5 11 6
Moldova 2 2 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 12 20 8
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 8 20 12
Poland 0 0
Portugal 2 2 0
Romania 1 1 0
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 8 8 0
Slovenia 7 7 0
Spain 12 18 6
Switzerland 8 12 4
United Kingdom 10 15 5
Luca HanniShe Got Me
Run.24Jury152 ptsTV212 pts152212Total364 pts3644th
Switzerland gaveX
12 North Macedonia 12 Italy
10 Netherlands 10 Albania
8 Sweden 8 Norway
7 Norway 7 Serbia
6 Germany 6 Netherlands
5 Italy 5 Spain
4 Australia 4 Sweden
3 Russia 3 France
2 France 2 North Macedonia
1 United Kingdom 1 Denmark
Switzerland received (364 pts - 4th)X
Jury (152 pts - 7th) Televoting (212 pts - 5th)
12 Austria
10 Albania Austria Estonia Ireland Netherlands Sweden 10 Germany Romania Spain
8 Croatia 8 Armenia Azerbaijan Malta
7 Armenia Belgium 7 Australia Cyprus Greece Iceland Ireland Israel United Kingdom
6 Denmark Germany Norway 6 Croatia Denmark Netherlands Norway Serbia
5 Iceland Serbia Slovenia United Kingdom 5 Belgium Czech Republic Hungary Poland Portugal San Marino
4 Belarus Romania 4 Albania Belarus Estonia Moldova North Macedonia Slovenia
3 Finland Georgia Hungary Israel North Macedonia Spain 3 Italy
2 France San Marino 2 Finland France Lithuania Russia
1 Cyprus Portugal 1 Latvia Sweden
Switzerland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 10 14 4
Armenia 7 15 8
Australia 7th 7 7
Austria 10 22 12
Azerbaijan 8th 8 8
Belarus 4 8 4
Belgium 7 12 5
Croatia 8 14 6
Cyprus 1 8 7
Czech Republic 5th 5 5
Denmark 6 12 6
Estonia 10 14 4
Finland 3 5 2
France 2 4 2
Georgia 3 3 0
Germany 6 16 10
Greece 7th 7 7
Hungary 3 8 5
Iceland 5 12 7
Ireland 10 17 7
Israel 3 10 7
Italy 3th 3 3
Latvia 1th 1 1
Lithuania 2th 2 2
Malta 8th 8 8
Moldova 4th 4 4
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 10 16 6
North Macedonia 3 7 4
Norway 6 12 6
Poland 5th 5 5
Portugal 1 6 5
Romania 4 14 10
Russia 2th 2 2
San Marino 2 7 5
Serbia 5 11 6
Slovenia 5 9 4
Spain 3 13 10
Sweden 10 11 1
United Kingdom 5 12 7
Michael RiceBigger than Us
Run.16Jury8 ptsTV3 pts83Total11 pts1126th
United Kingdom gaveX
12 North Macedonia 12 Norway
10 Sweden 10 Australia
8 Australia 8 Iceland
7 Azerbaijan 7 Switzerland
6 Netherlands 6 Denmark
5 Switzerland 5 Sweden
4 Russia 4 Netherlands
3 Denmark 3 Azerbaijan
2 France 2 Spain
1 Czech Republic 1 Cyprus
United Kingdom received (11 pts - 26th)X
Jury (8 pts - 24th) Televoting (3 pts - 25th)
3 Ireland
2 Armenia Hungary Norway
1 Georgia Switzerland
United Kingdom received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Armenia 2 2 0
Australia 0 0
Austria 0 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Croatia 0 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Denmark 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 1 1 0
Germany 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 2 2 0
Iceland 0 0
Ireland 3th 3 3
Israel 0 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 0 0
Norway 2 2 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 1 1 0
Artist / Song
Run.Run.JuryJury ptsTVTV ptsJuryTVTotalTotal Pts ptsTotal PtsPlace
Kate Miller-HeidkeZero Gravity
Run.12Jury121 ptsTV140 pts121140Total261 pts2611st
Australia gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 Iceland
10 Iceland 10 Czech Republic
8 Poland 8 Greece
7 Greece 7 Estonia
6 Hungary 6 San Marino
5 Georgia 5 Poland
4 Slovenia 4 Portugal
3 Serbia 3 Cyprus
2 Finland 2 Belarus
1 San Marino 1 Hungary
Australia received (261 pts - 1st)X
Jury (121 pts - 3rd) Televoting (140 pts - 2nd)
12 Belgium Finland Iceland Poland Spain 12 Israel
10 Greece 10 Belarus Belgium Czech Republic Iceland Poland Portugal
8 Belarus Israel 8 Finland Greece
7 France 7 France Montenegro Serbia Spain
6 San Marino 6 San Marino
5 Hungary Montenegro Serbia 5 Estonia Hungary
4 Georgia 4 Cyprus Slovenia
2 Portugal
1 Estonia
Australia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Belarus 8 18 10
Belgium 12 22 10
Cyprus 4th 4 4
Czech Republic 10th 10 10
Estonia 1 6 5
Finland 12 20 8
France 7 14 7
Georgia 4 4 0
Greece 10 18 8
Hungary 5 10 5
Iceland 12 22 10
Israel 8 20 12
Montenegro 5 12 7
Poland 12 22 10
Portugal 2 12 10
San Marino 6 12 6
Serbia 5 12 7
Slovenia 4th 4 4
Spain 12 19 7
Run.8Jury78 ptsTV44 pts7844Total122 pts12210th
Belarus gaveX
12 Estonia 12 Iceland
10 Georgia 10 Australia
8 Australia 8 Slovenia
7 Czech Republic 7 San Marino
6 Poland 6 Estonia
5 Greece 5 Poland
4 Cyprus 4 Serbia
3 San Marino 3 Czech Republic
2 Hungary 2 Portugal
1 Iceland 1 Georgia
Belarus received (122 pts - 10th)X
Jury (78 pts - 6th) Televoting (44 pts - 11th)
12 Hungary
10 Estonia
8 Czech Republic Slovenia
7 Greece Spain 7 Georgia
6 Portugal 6 Cyprus Iceland
5 Montenegro
4 Belgium France Serbia 4 Israel Serbia
3 Georgia Iceland 3 Czech Republic
2 Australia Greece Poland Slovenia
1 Israel San Marino 1 Estonia
Belarus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 2th 2 2
Belgium 4 4 0
Cyprus 6th 6 6
Czech Republic 8 11 3
Estonia 10 11 1
Finland 0 0
France 4 4 0
Georgia 3 10 7
Greece 7 9 2
Hungary 12 12 0
Iceland 3 9 6
Israel 1 5 4
Montenegro 5th 5 5
Poland 2th 2 2
Portugal 6 6 0
San Marino 1 1 0
Serbia 4 8 4
Slovenia 8 10 2
Spain 7 7 0
EliotWake Up
Run.10Jury50 ptsTV20 pts5020Total70 pts7013th
Belgium gaveX
12 Australia 12 Estonia
10 Iceland 10 Australia
8 Czech Republic 8 Portugal
7 Estonia 7 Iceland
6 Greece 6 Czech Republic
5 Serbia 5 Poland
4 Belarus 4 Greece
3 Cyprus 3 Slovenia
2 Hungary 2 San Marino
1 Portugal 1 Cyprus
Belgium received (70 pts - 13th)X
Jury (50 pts - 12th) Televoting (20 pts - 15th)
10 Cyprus Portugal
6 Slovenia
5 Spain 5 France
4 Iceland 4 Estonia Spain
3 Czech Republic Israel Poland 3 Cyprus
2 Finland Georgia San Marino 2 Portugal
1 Iceland Poland
Belgium received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Cyprus 10 13 3
Czech Republic 3 3 0
Estonia 4th 4 4
Finland 2 2 0
France 5th 5 5
Georgia 2 2 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 4 5 1
Israel 3 3 0
Montenegro 0 0
Poland 3 4 1
Portugal 10 12 2
San Marino 2 2 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 6 6 0
Spain 5 9 4
Run.1Jury95 ptsTV54 pts9554Total149 pts1499th
Cyprus gaveX
12 Greece 12 Greece
10 Belgium 10 Georgia
8 Iceland 8 San Marino
7 Georgia 7 Estonia
6 Serbia 6 Belarus
5 Slovenia 5 Serbia
4 Montenegro 4 Australia
3 Portugal 3 Belgium
2 San Marino 2 Czech Republic
1 Czech Republic 1 Iceland
Cyprus received (149 pts - 9th)X
Jury (95 pts - 4th) Televoting (54 pts - 10th)
12 Greece 12 Greece
10 Czech Republic 10 Georgia San Marino
8 Estonia Montenegro San Marino Serbia 8 Israel
7 Slovenia
6 France Spain
5 Georgia
4 Belarus Israel Poland 4 Montenegro
3 Belgium 3 Australia Hungary
1 Iceland Portugal 1 Belgium Czech Republic Portugal Spain
Cyprus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 3th 3 3
Belarus 4 4 0
Belgium 3 4 1
Czech Republic 10 11 1
Estonia 8 8 0
Finland 0 0
France 6 6 0
Georgia 5 15 10
Greece 12 24 12
Hungary 3th 3 3
Iceland 1 1 0
Israel 4 12 8
Montenegro 8 12 4
Poland 4 4 0
Portugal 1 2 1
San Marino 8 18 10
Serbia 8 8 0
Slovenia 7 7 0
Spain 6 7 1
Lake MalawiFriend of a Friend
Run.6Jury157 ptsTV85 pts15785Total242 pts2422nd
Czechia gaveX
12 Slovenia 12 San Marino
10 Cyprus 10 Australia
8 Belarus 8 Estonia
7 Poland 7 Poland
6 Serbia 6 Iceland
5 Greece 5 Slovenia
4 Hungary 4 Serbia
3 Belgium 3 Belarus
2 Portugal 2 Hungary
1 Georgia 1 Cyprus
Czechia received (242 pts - 2nd)X
Jury (157 pts - 1st) Televoting (85 pts - 6th)
12 Australia Estonia Georgia Portugal Slovenia 12 Iceland
10 Hungary Iceland Serbia 10 Australia
8 Belgium Finland France Greece Spain 8 Estonia
7 Belarus Poland
6 Israel 6 Belgium Israel
5 Finland Poland Slovenia Spain
4 Hungary Portugal San Marino
3 Montenegro San Marino 3 Belarus Montenegro
2 Cyprus
1 Cyprus 1 Georgia Greece Serbia
Czechia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 12 22 10
Belarus 7 10 3
Belgium 8 14 6
Cyprus 1 3 2
Estonia 12 20 8
Finland 8 13 5
France 8 8 0
Georgia 12 13 1
Greece 8 9 1
Hungary 10 14 4
Iceland 10 22 12
Israel 6 12 6
Montenegro 3 6 3
Poland 7 12 5
Portugal 12 16 4
San Marino 3 7 4
Serbia 10 11 1
Slovenia 12 17 5
Spain 8 13 5
Victor CroneStorm
Run.14Jury65 ptsTV133 pts65133Total198 pts1984th
Estonia gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 Finland
10 Belarus 10 San Marino
8 Cyprus 8 Czech Republic
7 Poland 7 Slovenia
6 Serbia 6 Iceland
5 Hungary 5 Australia
4 Greece 4 Belgium
3 San Marino 3 Hungary
2 Iceland 2 Poland
1 Australia 1 Belarus
Estonia received (198 pts - 4th)X
Jury (65 pts - 10th) Televoting (133 pts - 3rd)
12 Belarus 12 Belgium Portugal
10 Israel 10 Finland Israel
8 Georgia 8 Czech Republic Georgia Hungary San Marino Slovenia
7 Belgium Iceland 7 Australia Cyprus Iceland Poland
6 Finland Hungary 6 Belarus Spain
5 Portugal
3 Greece Serbia
2 Montenegro
1 France Serbia Slovenia Spain 1 France
Estonia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 7th 7 7
Belarus 12 18 6
Belgium 7 19 12
Cyprus 7th 7 7
Czech Republic 8th 8 8
Finland 6 16 10
France 1 2 1
Georgia 8 16 8
Greece 3th 3 3
Hungary 6 14 8
Iceland 7 14 7
Israel 10 20 10
Montenegro 2th 2 2
Poland 7th 7 7
Portugal 5 17 12
San Marino 8th 8 8
Serbia 1 4 3
Slovenia 1 9 8
Spain 1 7 6
Darude feat. Sebastian rejmanLook Away
Run.3Jury9 ptsTV14 pts914Total23 pts2317th
Finland gaveX
12 Australia 12 Iceland
10 Poland 10 Estonia
8 Czech Republic 8 Australia
7 Greece 7 Slovenia
6 Estonia 6 Poland
5 Slovenia 5 Czech Republic
4 Iceland 4 San Marino
3 Serbia 3 Portugal
2 Belgium 2 Hungary
1 Hungary 1 Serbia
Finland received (23 pts - 17th)X
Jury (9 pts - 16th) Televoting (14 pts - 17th)
12 Estonia
4 Greece
2 Australia Spain 2 Iceland
1 Poland
Finland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 2 2 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Estonia 12th 12 12
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Greece 4 4 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 2th 2 2
Israel 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Poland 1 1 0
Portugal 0 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 2 2 0
Oto NemsadzeKeep it going
Run.11Jury29 ptsTV33 pts2933Total62 pts6214th
Georgia gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 San Marino
10 Greece 10 Cyprus
8 Estonia 8 Estonia
7 Slovenia 7 Belarus
6 Serbia 6 Iceland
5 Cyprus 5 Slovenia
4 Australia 4 Greece
3 Belarus 3 Serbia
2 Belgium 2 Portugal
1 Hungary 1 Czech Republic
Georgia received (62 pts - 14th)X
Jury (29 pts - 14th) Televoting (33 pts - 13th)
10 Belarus 10 Cyprus Greece
7 Cyprus 7 Israel
5 Australia
4 France
2 France Hungary Montenegro
1 Czech Republic 1 Belarus San Marino
Georgia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 5 5 0
Belarus 10 11 1
Belgium 0 0
Cyprus 7 17 10
Czech Republic 1 1 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 2 6 4
Greece 10th 10 10
Hungary 2 2 0
Iceland 0 0
Israel 7th 7 7
Montenegro 2 2 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
San Marino 1th 1 1
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 0 0
Katherine DuskaBetter Love
Run.16Jury131 ptsTV54 pts13154Total185 pts1855th
Greece gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Cyprus
10 Australia 10 Georgia
8 Czech Republic 8 Australia
7 Belarus 7 Iceland
6 Serbia 6 Serbia
5 Montenegro 5 Slovenia
4 Finland 4 San Marino
3 San Marino 3 Estonia
2 Iceland 2 Belarus
1 Slovenia 1 Czech Republic
Greece received (185 pts - 5th)X
Jury (131 pts - 2nd) Televoting (54 pts - 9th)
12 Cyprus Israel Montenegro San Marino 12 Cyprus San Marino
10 Georgia Slovenia Spain
8 Iceland 8 Australia
7 Australia Finland
6 Belgium
5 Belarus Czech Republic France 5 Portugal
4 Estonia Hungary 4 Belgium Georgia
3 France
2 Serbia 2 Serbia Spain
1 Hungary Montenegro
Greece received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 7 15 8
Belarus 5 5 0
Belgium 6 10 4
Cyprus 12 24 12
Czech Republic 5 5 0
Estonia 4 4 0
Finland 7 7 0
France 5 8 3
Georgia 10 14 4
Hungary 4 5 1
Iceland 8 8 0
Israel 12 12 0
Montenegro 12 13 1
Poland 0 0
Portugal 5th 5 5
San Marino 12 24 12
Serbia 2 4 2
Slovenia 10 10 0
Spain 10 12 2
Joci PápaiAz ébn apám
Run.7Jury65 ptsTV32 pts6532Total97 pts9712th
Hungary gaveX
12 Belarus 12 San Marino
10 Czech Republic 10 Iceland
8 Poland 8 Estonia
7 Serbia 7 Slovenia
6 Estonia 6 Poland
5 Australia 5 Australia
4 Greece 4 Czech Republic
3 Slovenia 3 Cyprus
2 Georgia 2 Serbia
1 Iceland 1 Greece
Hungary received (97 pts - 12th)X
Jury (65 pts - 9th) Televoting (32 pts - 14th)
12 Serbia
10 France
7 Israel Portugal
6 Australia Montenegro Poland Serbia 6 Slovenia
5 Estonia
4 Czech Republic
3 Estonia Iceland Poland
2 Belarus Belgium Slovenia 2 Czech Republic Finland
1 Finland Georgia 1 Australia
Hungary received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 6 7 1
Belarus 2 2 0
Belgium 2 2 0
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 4 6 2
Estonia 5 8 3
Finland 1 3 2
France 10 10 0
Georgia 1 1 0
Greece 0 0
Iceland 3th 3 3
Israel 7 7 0
Montenegro 6 6 0
Poland 6 9 3
Portugal 7 7 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 6 18 12
Slovenia 2 8 6
Spain 0 0
HatariHatrið mun sigra
Run.13Jury70 ptsTV151 pts70151Total221 pts2213rd
Iceland gaveX
12 Australia 12 Czech Republic
10 Czech Republic 10 Australia
8 Greece 8 Poland
7 Estonia 7 Estonia
6 Serbia 6 Belarus
5 Slovenia 5 Slovenia
4 Belgium 4 San Marino
3 Belarus 3 Hungary
2 San Marino 2 Finland
1 Cyprus 1 Belgium
Iceland received (221 pts - 3rd)X
Jury (70 pts - 8th) Televoting (151 pts - 1st)
12 France 12 Australia Belarus Finland Poland
10 Australia Belgium 10 France Hungary Slovenia Spain
8 Cyprus 8 Portugal
7 San Marino 7 Belgium Greece San Marino
6 Czech Republic Estonia Georgia Montenegro Serbia
5 Poland
4 Finland Montenegro Slovenia
3 Israel
2 Estonia Greece
1 Belarus Hungary 1 Cyprus
Iceland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 10 22 12
Belarus 1 13 12
Belgium 10 17 7
Cyprus 8 9 1
Czech Republic 6th 6 6
Estonia 2 8 6
Finland 4 16 12
France 12 22 10
Georgia 6th 6 6
Greece 2 9 7
Hungary 1 11 10
Israel 3th 3 3
Montenegro 4 10 6
Poland 5 17 12
Portugal 8th 8 8
San Marino 7 14 7
Serbia 6th 6 6
Slovenia 4 14 10
Spain 10th 10 10
D molHeaven
Run.2Jury31 ptsTV15 pts3115Total46 pts4616th
Montenegro gaveX
12 Greece 12 Serbia
10 San Marino 10 San Marino
8 Cyprus 8 Slovenia
7 Serbia 7 Australia
6 Hungary 6 Iceland
5 Australia 5 Belarus
4 Iceland 4 Cyprus
3 Czech Republic 3 Czech Republic
2 Georgia 2 Estonia
1 Slovenia 1 Greece
Montenegro received (46 pts - 16th)X
Jury (31 pts - 13th) Televoting (15 pts - 16th)
12 Serbia
10 San Marino
8 Serbia
7 Slovenia
5 Greece
4 Cyprus
Montenegro received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 0 0
Belarus 0 0
Belgium 0 0
Cyprus 4 4 0
Czech Republic 0 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 0 0
France 0 0
Georgia 0 0
Greece 5 5 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Poland 0 0
Portugal 0 0
San Marino 10 10 0
Serbia 12 20 8
Slovenia 7th 7 7
Spain 0 0
TuliaFire of Love
Run.4Jury60 ptsTV60 pts6060Total120 pts12011th
Poland gaveX
12 Australia 12 Iceland
10 Serbia 10 Australia
8 Slovenia 8 Slovenia
7 Czech Republic 7 Estonia
6 Hungary 6 San Marino
5 Iceland 5 Czech Republic
4 Cyprus 4 Serbia
3 Belgium 3 Hungary
2 Portugal 2 Belarus
1 Finland 1 Belgium
Poland received (120 pts - 11th)X
Jury (60 pts - 11th) Televoting (60 pts - 8th)
10 Finland
8 Australia Hungary 8 France Iceland
7 Czech Republic Estonia 7 Czech Republic
6 Belarus 6 Finland Hungary
5 Israel 5 Australia Belarus Belgium San Marino
3 Portugal Serbia Slovenia
2 Estonia Israel
1 Slovenia
Poland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 8 13 5
Belarus 6 11 5
Belgium 5th 5 5
Cyprus 0 0
Czech Republic 7 14 7
Estonia 7 9 2
Finland 10 16 6
France 8th 8 8
Georgia 0 0
Greece 0 0
Hungary 8 14 6
Iceland 8th 8 8
Israel 5 7 2
Montenegro 0 0
Portugal 3 3 0
San Marino 5th 5 5
Serbia 3 3 0
Slovenia 3 4 1
Spain 0 0
Conan OsirisTelemóveis
Run.15Jury8 ptsTV43 pts843Total51 pts5115th
Portugal gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 Estonia
10 Belgium 10 Australia
8 Slovenia 8 Iceland
7 Hungary 7 Slovenia
6 Belarus 6 San Marino
5 Estonia 5 Greece
4 Serbia 4 Czech Republic
3 Poland 3 Serbia
2 Australia 2 Belgium
1 Cyprus 1 Cyprus
Portugal received (51 pts - 15th)X
Jury (8 pts - 17th) Televoting (43 pts - 12th)
12 France Spain
8 Belgium
4 Australia
3 Cyprus 3 Finland
2 Czech Republic Poland 2 Belarus Georgia
1 Belgium
Portugal received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 4th 4 4
Belarus 2th 2 2
Belgium 1 9 8
Cyprus 3 3 0
Czech Republic 2 2 0
Estonia 0 0
Finland 3th 3 3
France 12th 12 12
Georgia 2th 2 2
Greece 0 0
Hungary 0 0
Iceland 0 0
Israel 0 0
Montenegro 0 0
Poland 2 2 0
San Marino 0 0
Serbia 0 0
Slovenia 0 0
Spain 12th 12 12
SerhatSay Na Na Na
Run.17Jury26 ptsTV124 pts26124Total150 pts1508th
San Marino gaveX
12 Greece 12 Greece
10 Montenegro 10 Cyprus
8 Cyprus 8 Estonia
7 Iceland 7 Iceland
6 Australia 6 Australia
5 Serbia 5 Poland
4 Slovenia 4 Czech Republic
3 Czech Republic 3 Slovenia
2 Belgium 2 Serbia
1 Belarus 1 Georgia
San Marino received (150 pts - 8th)X
Jury (26 pts - 15th) Televoting (124 pts - 4th)
12 Czech Republic Georgia Hungary
10 Montenegro 10 Estonia Montenegro
8 Cyprus Spain
7 Belarus
6 Australia Poland Portugal
5 Israel Serbia
4 Finland Greece Iceland
3 Belarus Estonia Greece 3 Slovenia
2 Cyprus Iceland Israel 2 Belgium
1 Australia
San Marino received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 1 7 6
Belarus 3 10 7
Belgium 2th 2 2
Cyprus 2 10 8
Czech Republic 12th 12 12
Estonia 3 13 10
Finland 4th 4 4
France 0 0
Georgia 12th 12 12
Greece 3 7 4
Hungary 12th 12 12
Iceland 2 6 4
Israel 2 7 5
Montenegro 10 20 10
Poland 6th 6 6
Portugal 6th 6 6
Serbia 5th 5 5
Slovenia 3th 3 3
Spain 8th 8 8
Nevena BozovicKruna
Run.9Jury91 ptsTV65 pts9165Total156 pts1567th
Serbia gaveX
12 Montenegro 12 Hungary
10 Czech Republic 10 Slovenia
8 Cyprus 8 Montenegro
7 Slovenia 7 Australia
6 Hungary 6 Iceland
5 Australia 5 San Marino
4 Belarus 4 Belarus
3 Poland 3 Estonia
2 Greece 2 Greece
1 Estonia 1 Czech Republic
Serbia received (156 pts - 7th)X
Jury (91 pts - 5th) Televoting (65 pts - 7th)
12 Montenegro Slovenia
10 Poland
7 Hungary Montenegro
6 Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Georgia Greece Iceland 6 France Greece
5 Belgium San Marino Slovenia 5 Cyprus
4 Portugal 4 Belarus Czech Republic Poland
3 Australia Finland France Spain 3 Georgia Portugal
2 Hungary San Marino
1 Finland Israel
Serbia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 3 3 0
Belarus 4th 4 4
Belgium 5 5 0
Cyprus 6 11 5
Czech Republic 6 10 4
Estonia 6 6 0
Finland 3 4 1
France 3 9 6
Georgia 6 9 3
Greece 6 12 6
Hungary 7 9 2
Iceland 6 6 0
Israel 1th 1 1
Montenegro 7 19 12
Poland 10 14 4
Portugal 4 7 3
San Marino 5 7 2
Slovenia 5 17 12
Spain 3 3 0
Zala Kralj & Gasper SantlSebi
Run.5Jury74 ptsTV93 pts7493Total167 pts1676th
Slovenia gaveX
12 Czech Republic 12 Serbia
10 Greece 10 Iceland
8 Belarus 8 Estonia
7 Cyprus 7 Montenegro
6 Belgium 6 Hungary
5 Serbia 5 Czech Republic
4 Iceland 4 Australia
3 Poland 3 San Marino
2 Hungary 2 Belarus
1 Estonia 1 Poland
Slovenia received (167 pts - 6th)X
Jury (74 pts - 7th) Televoting (93 pts - 5th)
12 Czech Republic
10 Serbia
8 Poland Portugal 8 Belarus Montenegro Poland
7 Georgia Serbia 7 Estonia Finland Hungary Portugal
5 Cyprus Finland Iceland 5 Czech Republic Georgia Greece Iceland
4 Australia San Marino Spain
3 Hungary 3 Belgium San Marino Spain
2 France
1 Greece Montenegro
Slovenia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Australia 4 4 0
Belarus 8th 8 8
Belgium 3th 3 3
Cyprus 5 5 0
Czech Republic 12 17 5
Estonia 7th 7 7
Finland 5 12 7
France 2th 2 2
Georgia 7 12 5
Greece 1 6 5
Hungary 3 10 7
Iceland 5 10 5
Israel 0 0
Montenegro 1 9 8
Poland 8 16 8
Portugal 8 15 7
San Marino 4 7 3
Serbia 7 17 10
Spain 4 7 3
Artist / Song
Run.Run.JuryJury ptsTVTV ptsJuryTVTotalTotal Pts ptsTotal PtsPlace
Jonida MaliqiKtheju tokes
Run.14Jury38 ptsTV58 pts3858Total96 pts969th
Albania gaveX
12 North Macedonia 12 Norway
10 Azerbaijan 10 Netherlands
8 Russia 8 North Macedonia
7 Sweden 7 Azerbaijan
6 Malta 6 Switzerland
5 Switzerland 5 Lithuania
4 Netherlands 4 Sweden
3 Moldova 3 Croatia
2 Croatia 2 Russia
1 Austria 1 Denmark
Albania received (96 pts - 9th)X
Jury (38 pts - 12th) Televoting (58 pts - 9th)
12 North Macedonia 12 Italy North Macedonia Switzerland
7 Azerbaijan Russia
6 Croatia
5 Croatia
4 Azerbaijan
3 Italy 3 Austria Romania
2 Moldova Romania 2 Germany Norway Sweden
Albania received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Armenia 0 0
Austria 3th 3 3
Azerbaijan 7 11 4
Croatia 5 11 6
Denmark 0 0
Germany 2th 2 2
Ireland 0 0
Italy 3 15 12
Latvia 0 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 0 0
Moldova 2 2 0
Netherlands 0 0
North Macedonia 12 24 12
Norway 2th 2 2
Romania 2 5 3
Russia 7 7 0
Sweden 2th 2 2
Switzerland 12th 12 12
United Kingdom 0 0
SrbukWalking Out
Run.1Jury26 ptsTV23 pts2623Total49 pts4916th
Armenia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Russia
10 Malta 10 Netherlands
8 North Macedonia 8 Switzerland
7 Russia 7 Malta
6 Switzerland 6 North Macedonia
5 Moldova 5 Norway
4 Netherlands 4 Sweden
3 Latvia 3 Moldova
2 Romania 2 Croatia
1 Norway 1 Denmark
Armenia received (49 pts - 16th)X
Jury (26 pts - 14th) Televoting (23 pts - 15th)
10 Russia
6 Malta Russia 6 North Macedonia
5 Netherlands
4 Moldova
2 Ireland Latvia Netherlands North Macedonia 2 Moldova
1 Austria Croatia
Armenia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 0 0
Austria 1 1 0
Azerbaijan 0 0
Croatia 1 1 0
Denmark 0 0
Germany 0 0
Ireland 2 2 0
Italy 0 0
Latvia 2 2 0
Lithuania 0 0
Malta 6 6 0
Moldova 4 6 2
Netherlands 2 7 5
North Macedonia 2 8 6
Norway 0 0
Romania 0 0
Russia 6 16 10
Sweden 0 0
Switzerland 0 0
United Kingdom 0 0
Run.9Jury21 ptsTV0 pts210Total21 pts2117th
Austria gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Switzerland
10 Netherlands 10