All Years
All Countries
Nul points

2018 - Lisbon

All participants Semi 1 Semi 2 Final Overview
Artist / Song
Run.Run.JuryJury ptsTVTV ptsJuryTVTotalTotal Pts ptsTotal PtsPlace
Eugent BushpepaMall
Run.12Jury126 ptsTV58 pts12658Total184 pts18411th
Albania gaveX
12 Italy 12 Italy
10 Cyprus 10 Cyprus
8 Bulgaria 8 Germany
7 France 7 Ireland
6 Germany 6 Bulgaria
5 Israel 5 France
4 Sweden 4 Estonia
3 Serbia 3 United Kingdom
2 Moldova 2 Austria
1 Czech Republic 1 Israel
Albania received (184 pts - 11th)X
Jury (126 pts - 7th) Televoting (58 pts - 18th)
12 Azerbaijan 12 Italy North Macedonia
10 Hungary Iceland Montenegro Portugal 10 Greece Montenegro
7 Austria Belarus Bulgaria Greece Poland 7 Switzerland
6 Cyprus North Macedonia
4 Georgia Slovenia 4 Croatia
2 Belgium Ireland 2 Austria
1 Croatia Serbia 1 Slovenia
Albania received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Armenia 17th 23th 0 0
Australia 14th 23th 0 0
Austria 7 2 9 5
Azerbaijan 12 19th 12 12
Belarus 7 24th 7 7
Belgium 2 13th 2 2
Bulgaria 7 13th 7 7
Croatia 1 4 5 3
Cyprus 6 17th 6 6
Denmark 24th 24th 0 0
Estonia 20th 20th 0 0
Finland 12th 17th 0 0
France 20th 17th 0 0
Georgia 4 23th 4 4
Germany 16th 12th 0 0
Greece 7 10 17 3
Hungary 10 19th 10 10
Iceland 10 25th 10 10
Ireland 2 23th 2 2
Israel 24th 22th 0 0
Italy 15th 12 12 12
Latvia 22th 24th 0 0
Lithuania 14th 23th 0 0
Malta 11th 18th 0 0
Moldova 11th 19th 0 0
Montenegro 10 10 20 0
Netherlands 16th 20th 0 0
North Macedonia 6 12 18 6
Norway 12th 22th 0 0
Poland 7 25th 7 7
Portugal 10 23th 10 10
Romania 13th 13th 0 0
Russia 19th 23th 0 0
Serbia 1 13th 1 1
Slovenia 4 1 5 3
Spain 12th 23th 0 0
Sweden 22th 13th 0 0
Switzerland 21th 7 7 7
Ukraine 11th 18th 0 0
Jessica MauboyWe Got Love
Run.16Jury90 ptsTV9 pts909Total99 pts9920th
Australia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Israel
10 Germany 10 Denmark
8 Estonia 8 Ireland
7 Spain 7 Cyprus
6 Israel 6 United Kingdom
5 Austria 5 Moldova
4 Ireland 4 Finland
3 Lithuania 3 Czech Republic
2 Moldova 2 Germany
1 Czech Republic 1 Norway
Australia received (99 pts - 20th)X
Jury (90 pts - 12th) Televoting (9 pts - 26th)
10 Denmark France
8 Sweden
7 Germany Hungary Israel Moldova
6 Latvia Norway 6 Malta
5 Russia
4 Poland
3 Malta
2 Armenia Belarus Romania Ukraine 2 Denmark
Australia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 24th 14th 0 0
Armenia 2 21th 2 2
Austria 14th 14th 0 0
Azerbaijan 19th 23th 0 0
Belarus 2 21th 2 2
Belgium 21th 21th 0 0
Bulgaria 21th 18th 0 0
Croatia 12th 17th 0 0
Cyprus 14th 23th 0 0
Denmark 10 2 12 8
Estonia 18th 14th 0 0
Finland 21th 18th 0 0
France 10 23th 10 10
Georgia 23th 22th 0 0
Germany 7 17th 7 7
Greece 14th 21th 0 0
Hungary 7 20th 7 7
Iceland 20th 19th 0 0
Ireland 12th 12th 0 0
Israel 7 16th 7 7
Italy 12th 23th 0 0
Latvia 6 13th 6 6
Lithuania 17th 11th 0 0
Malta 3 6 9 3
Moldova 7 18th 7 7
Montenegro 11th 20th 0 0
Netherlands 13th 15th 0 0
North Macedonia 14th 15th 0 0
Norway 6 12th 6 6
Poland 4 19th 4 4
Portugal 12th 14th 0 0
Romania 2 14th 2 2
Russia 5 21th 5 5
Serbia 12th 16th 0 0
Slovenia 23th 14th 0 0
Spain 14th 22th 0 0
Sweden 8 12th 8 8
Switzerland 18th 17th 0 0
Ukraine 2 19th 2 2
Cesár SampsonNobody But You
Run.5Jury271 ptsTV71 pts27171Total342 pts3423rd
Austria gaveX
12 Israel 12 Czech Republic
10 Germany 10 Italy
8 Sweden 8 Serbia
7 Albania 7 Israel
6 Bulgaria 6 Germany
5 Slovenia 5 Denmark
4 Ireland 4 Ireland
3 Czech Republic 3 Hungary
2 Estonia 2 Albania
1 Netherlands 1 Cyprus
Austria received (342 pts - 3rd)X
Jury (271 pts - 1st) Televoting (71 pts - 13th)
12 Belgium Bulgaria Estonia Iceland Israel Lithuania Poland Romania
10 Belarus Germany Netherlands Slovenia Sweden 10 Denmark
8 Denmark Georgia Hungary Norway Portugal Spain 8 Norway
7 Finland France Italy Latvia Ukraine
6 Armenia Estonia
5 Australia Ireland 5 Germany Iceland
4 Serbia Switzerland 4 Bulgaria Switzerland
3 Moldova 3 Belgium Finland Hungary Lithuania Netherlands
2 Cyprus 2 Albania Slovenia Sweden
1 Armenia Malta 1 Georgia Israel
Austria received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 11th 2 2 2
Armenia 1 6 7 5
Australia 5 13th 5 5
Azerbaijan 12th 15th 0 0
Belarus 10 12th 10 10
Belgium 12 3 15 9
Bulgaria 12 4 16 8
Croatia 14th 11th 0 0
Cyprus 2 11th 2 2
Denmark 8 10 18 2
Estonia 12 6 18 6
Finland 7 3 10 4
France 7 14th 7 7
Georgia 8 1 9 7
Germany 10 5 15 5
Greece 20th 20th 0 0
Hungary 8 3 11 5
Iceland 12 5 17 7
Ireland 5 11th 5 5
Israel 12 1 13 11
Italy 7 15th 7 7
Latvia 7 19th 7 7
Lithuania 12 3 15 9
Malta 1 15th 1 1
Moldova 3 13th 3 3
Montenegro 20th 15th 0 0
Netherlands 10 3 13 7
North Macedonia 17th 14th 0 0
Norway 8 8 16 0
Poland 12 15th 12 12
Portugal 8 11th 8 8
Romania 12 20th 12 12
Russia 12th 20th 0 0
Serbia 4 14th 4 4
Slovenia 10 2 12 8
Spain 8 15th 8 8
Sweden 10 2 12 8
Switzerland 4 4 8 0
Ukraine 7 14th 7 7
Run.18Jury100 ptsTV66 pts10066Total166 pts16614th
Bulgaria gaveX
12 Austria 12 Cyprus
10 Lithuania 10 Israel
8 Czech Republic 8 Moldova
7 Albania 7 Serbia
6 Germany 6 Italy
5 France 5 Hungary
4 Israel 4 Austria
3 Cyprus 3 Czech Republic
2 Sweden 2 Estonia
1 Ireland 1 Ukraine
Bulgaria received (166 pts - 14th)X
Jury (100 pts - 9th) Televoting (66 pts - 14th)
12 Cyprus
10 Finland Ireland
8 Albania Moldova
7 Croatia Estonia Portugal 7 Malta North Macedonia
6 Austria Georgia Sweden 6 Albania
5 Azerbaijan 5 Greece Romania Spain
4 Montenegro
3 Moldova
2 Malta Poland Switzerland 2 Serbia
1 Denmark Israel 1 Azerbaijan Belarus Croatia
Bulgaria received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 8 6 14 2
Armenia 11th 11th 0 0
Australia 20th 19th 0 0
Austria 6 13th 6 6
Azerbaijan 5 1 6 4
Belarus 20th 1 1 1
Belgium 18th 16th 0 0
Croatia 7 1 8 6
Cyprus 18th 12 12 12
Denmark 1 22th 1 1
Estonia 7 23th 7 7
Finland 10 20th 10 10
France 24th 21th 0 0
Georgia 6 16th 6 6
Germany 24th 22th 0 0
Greece 16th 5 5 5
Hungary 12th 12th 0 0
Iceland 26th 22th 0 0
Ireland 10 20th 10 10
Israel 1 17th 1 1
Italy 20th 11th 0 0
Latvia 14th 20th 0 0
Lithuania 11th 17th 0 0
Malta 2 7 9 5
Moldova 8 3 11 5
Montenegro 13th 4 4 4
Netherlands 12th 18th 0 0
North Macedonia 16th 7 7 7
Norway 14th 16th 0 0
Poland 2 18th 2 2
Portugal 7 21th 7 7
Romania 16th 5 5 5
Russia 17th 14th 0 0
Serbia 16th 2 2 2
Slovenia 19th 20th 0 0
Spain 18th 5 5 5
Sweden 6 22th 6 6
Switzerland 2 24th 2 2
Ukraine 17th 13th 0 0
Eleni FoureiraFuego
Run.25Jury183 ptsTV253 pts183253Total436 pts4362nd
Cyprus gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Bulgaria
10 Moldova 10 Israel
8 Italy 8 Czech Republic
7 Spain 7 Italy
6 Albania 6 Lithuania
5 Czech Republic 5 Norway
4 Hungary 4 Estonia
3 France 3 Germany
2 Austria 2 Ukraine
1 Estonia 1 France
Cyprus received (436 pts - 2nd)X
Jury (183 pts - 5th) Televoting (253 pts - 2nd)
12 Belarus Greece Ireland Malta Spain Sweden 12 Armenia Bulgaria Greece
10 Albania North Macedonia 10 Albania Azerbaijan Georgia Malta Serbia
8 Estonia Slovenia 8 Croatia North Macedonia Poland Spain
7 Armenia Russia Switzerland 7 Australia Belgium Hungary Moldova Romania
6 Finland Moldova Netherlands 6 Germany Lithuania Slovenia
5 Denmark Norway Romania 5 Ireland Italy Montenegro Netherlands Portugal
4 Azerbaijan Belgium 4 Estonia Russia Sweden Ukraine
3 Bulgaria Germany Italy 3 Belarus France Switzerland
2 Iceland 2 Israel Norway
1 Lithuania Montenegro 1 Austria Denmark Finland Iceland Latvia
Cyprus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 10 10 20 0
Armenia 7 12 19 5
Australia 11th 7 7 7
Austria 12th 1 1 1
Azerbaijan 4 10 14 6
Belarus 12 3 15 9
Belgium 4 7 11 3
Bulgaria 3 12 15 9
Croatia 11th 8 8 8
Denmark 5 1 6 4
Estonia 8 4 12 4
Finland 6 1 7 5
France 21th 3 3 3
Georgia 25th 10 10 10
Germany 3 6 9 3
Greece 12 12 24 0
Hungary 11th 7 7 7
Iceland 2 1 3 1
Ireland 12 5 17 7
Israel 17th 2 2 2
Italy 3 5 8 2
Latvia 19th 1 1 1
Lithuania 1 6 7 5
Malta 12 10 22 2
Moldova 6 7 13 1
Montenegro 1 5 6 4
Netherlands 6 5 11 1
North Macedonia 10 8 18 2
Norway 5 2 7 3
Poland 13th 8 8 8
Portugal 15th 5 5 5
Romania 5 7 12 2
Russia 7 4 11 3
Serbia 19th 10 10 10
Slovenia 8 6 14 2
Spain 12 8 20 4
Sweden 12 4 16 8
Switzerland 7 3 10 4
Ukraine 13th 4 4 4
Mikolas JosefLie To Me
Run.14Jury66 ptsTV215 pts66215Total281 pts2816th
Czechia received (281 pts - 6th)X
Jury (66 pts - 15th) Televoting (215 pts - 4th)
12 Austria Israel
10 Iceland Spain Ukraine
8 Bulgaria 8 Armenia Cyprus Germany Hungary Lithuania Slovenia
7 Belgium 7 Greece Ireland
6 Armenia Belarus 6 Azerbaijan Denmark Moldova Netherlands
5 Cyprus Malta 5 Belarus Croatia Estonia Finland North Macedonia Serbia
4 Croatia France North Macedonia Spain Ukraine 4 Latvia Norway Poland
3 Austria Slovenia 3 Australia Bulgaria Malta Romania Sweden
2 Russia
1 Albania Australia Iceland 1 Belgium
Czechia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 1 17th 1 1
Armenia 6 8 14 2
Australia 1 3 4 2
Austria 3 12 15 9
Azerbaijan 16th 6 6 6
Belarus 6 5 11 1
Belgium 7 1 8 6
Bulgaria 8 3 11 5
Croatia 4 5 9 1
Cyprus 5 8 13 3
Denmark 13th 6 6 6
Estonia 15th 5 5 5
Finland 11th 5 5 5
France 4 13th 4 4
Georgia 21th 11th 0 0
Germany 15th 8 8 8
Greece 13th 7 7 7
Hungary 23th 8 8 8
Iceland 1 10 11 9
Ireland 16th 7 7 7
Israel 15th 12 12 12
Italy 18th 12th 0 0
Latvia 13th 4 4 4
Lithuania 20th 8 8 8
Malta 5 3 8 2
Moldova 12th 6 6 6
Montenegro 22th 12th 0 0
Netherlands 17th 6 6 6
North Macedonia 4 5 9 1
Norway 13th 4 4 4
Poland 18th 4 4 4
Portugal 13th 15th 0 0
Romania 22th 3 3 3
Russia 18th 2 2 2
Serbia 21th 5 5 5
Slovenia 3 8 11 5
Spain 4 10 14 6
Sweden 16th 3 3 3
Switzerland 11th 13th 0 0
Ukraine 4 10 14 6
RasmussenHigher Ground
Run.15Jury38 ptsTV188 pts38188Total226 pts2269th
Denmark gaveX
12 Germany 12 Germany
10 Australia 10 Austria
8 Austria 8 Norway
7 Estonia 7 Sweden
6 Spain 6 Czech Republic
5 Cyprus 5 Netherlands
4 Sweden 4 Ireland
3 Israel 3 United Kingdom
2 France 2 Australia
1 Bulgaria 1 Cyprus
Denmark received (226 pts - 9th)X
Jury (38 pts - 20th) Televoting (188 pts - 5th)
12 Hungary 12 Hungary Iceland Sweden
10 Australia Finland Lithuania Norway
8 Italy 8 Estonia Netherlands Ukraine
7 Belarus Russia Slovenia
6 Montenegro 6 Poland
5 Austria Belgium Latvia
4 Israel Italy Serbia
3 Belarus Finland Ukraine 3 Germany
2 Israel 2 Croatia France Georgia Ireland Malta Portugal Romania Switzerland
1 Georgia
Denmark received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 21th 20th 0 0
Armenia 20th 14th 0 0
Australia 13th 10 10 10
Austria 25th 5 5 5
Azerbaijan 24th 13th 0 0
Belarus 3 7 10 4
Belgium 15th 5 5 5
Bulgaria 23th 14th 0 0
Croatia 23th 2 2 2
Cyprus 25th 19th 0 0
Estonia 17th 8 8 8
Finland 3 10 13 7
France 18th 2 2 2
Georgia 1 2 3 1
Germany 22th 3 3 3
Greece 21th 14th 0 0
Hungary 12 12 24 0
Iceland 16th 12 12 12
Ireland 17th 2 2 2
Israel 2 4 6 2
Italy 8 4 12 4
Latvia 24th 5 5 5
Lithuania 23th 10 10 10
Malta 15th 2 2 2
Moldova 17th 12th 0 0
Montenegro 6 13th 6 6
Netherlands 25th 8 8 8
North Macedonia 23th 12th 0 0
Norway 23th 10 10 10
Poland 23th 6 6 6
Portugal 24th 2 2 2
Romania 26th 2 2 2
Russia 14th 7 7 7
Serbia 15th 4 4 4
Slovenia 22th 7 7 7
Spain 24th 17th 0 0
Sweden 12th 12 12 12
Switzerland 22th 2 2 2
Ukraine 3 8 11 5
Elina NechayevaLa Forza
Run.6Jury143 ptsTV102 pts143102Total245 pts2458th
Estonia gaveX
12 Austria 12 Lithuania
10 Lithuania 10 Finland
8 Cyprus 8 Denmark
7 Bulgaria 7 Italy
6 Germany 6 Austria
5 Sweden 5 Czech Republic
4 Norway 4 Cyprus
3 Portugal 3 Hungary
2 Finland 2 Norway
1 Netherlands 1 Moldova
Estonia received (245 pts - 8th)X
Jury (143 pts - 6th) Televoting (102 pts - 9th)
12 Moldova North Macedonia Portugal 12 Finland Lithuania
10 Georgia Switzerland 10 Latvia
8 Australia Latvia 8 Israel
7 Denmark Iceland 7 France Portugal
6 Russia 6 Georgia Italy
5 Montenegro Slovenia
4 Italy Netherlands 4 Albania Cyprus Greece Ireland
3 Azerbaijan Greece Ireland Romania Serbia 3 Russia Ukraine
2 Austria Germany 2 Armenia Bulgaria Spain
1 Cyprus Spain Ukraine 1 Moldova
Estonia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 13th 4 4 4
Armenia 13th 2 2 2
Australia 8 11th 8 8
Austria 2 16th 2 2
Azerbaijan 3 11th 3 3
Belarus 14th 16th 0 0
Belgium 12th 12th 0 0
Bulgaria 25th 2 2 2
Croatia 18th 13th 0 0
Cyprus 1 4 5 3
Denmark 7 12th 7 7
Finland 18th 12 12 12
France 22th 7 7 7
Georgia 10 6 16 4
Germany 2 19th 2 2
Greece 3 4 7 1
Hungary 15th 13th 0 0
Iceland 7 12th 7 7
Ireland 3 4 7 1
Israel 13th 8 8 8
Italy 4 6 10 2
Latvia 8 10 18 2
Lithuania 18th 12 12 12
Malta 22th 14th 0 0
Moldova 12 1 13 11
Montenegro 5 16th 5 5
Netherlands 4 11th 4 4
North Macedonia 12 17th 12 12
Norway 20th 15th 0 0
Poland 14th 12th 0 0
Portugal 12 7 19 5
Romania 3 12th 3 3
Russia 6 3 9 3
Serbia 3 11th 3 3
Slovenia 5 16th 5 5
Spain 1 2 3 1
Sweden 11th 15th 0 0
Switzerland 10 18th 10 10
Ukraine 1 3 4 2
Saara AaltoMonsters
Run.17Jury23 ptsTV23 pts2323Total46 pts4625th
Finland gaveX
12 Israel 12 Estonia
10 Bulgaria 10 Denmark
8 Sweden 8 Hungary
7 Austria 7 Israel
6 Cyprus 6 Italy
5 France 5 Czech Republic
4 Italy 4 France
3 Denmark 3 Austria
2 Ireland 2 Netherlands
1 Germany 1 Cyprus
Finland received (46 pts - 25th)X
Jury (23 pts - 24th) Televoting (23 pts - 21st)
10 Estonia
6 Israel 6 Sweden
5 North Macedonia
4 Australia
3 Sweden 3 Iceland
2 Estonia
Finland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 20th 11th 0 0
Armenia 24th 16th 0 0
Australia 24th 4 4 4
Austria 21th 24th 0 0
Azerbaijan 15th 22th 0 0
Belarus 25th 23th 0 0
Belgium 20th 23th 0 0
Bulgaria 17th 16th 0 0
Croatia 20th 25th 0 0
Cyprus 17th 22th 0 0
Denmark 20th 15th 0 0
Estonia 2 10 12 8
France 14th 24th 0 0
Georgia 18th 17th 0 0
Germany 25th 23th 0 0
Greece 19th 23th 0 0
Hungary 19th 14th 0 0
Iceland 12th 3 3 3
Ireland 11th 16th 0 0
Israel 6 12th 6 6
Italy 21th 20th 0 0
Latvia 26th 21th 0 0
Lithuania 19th 19th 0 0
Malta 18th 16th 0 0
Moldova 22th 25th 0 0
Montenegro 14th 24th 0 0
Netherlands 22th 24th 0 0
North Macedonia 5 20th 5 5
Norway 17th 13th 0 0
Poland 22th 22th 0 0
Portugal 18th 22th 0 0
Romania 18th 24th 0 0
Russia 23th 19th 0 0
Serbia 14th 23th 0 0
Slovenia 13th 22th 0 0
Spain 20th 20th 0 0
Sweden 3 6 9 3
Switzerland 13th 21th 0 0
Ukraine 25th 23th 0 0
Madame MonsieurMercy
Run.13Jury114 ptsTV59 pts11459Total173 pts17313th
France gaveX
12 Israel 12 Israel
10 Australia 10 Italy
8 Germany 8 Portugal
7 Austria 7 Estonia
6 Netherlands 6 Moldova
5 Sweden 5 Spain
4 Czech Republic 4 Ukraine
3 United Kingdom 3 Cyprus
2 Slovenia 2 Denmark
1 Ireland 1 Serbia
France received (173 pts - 13th)X
Jury (114 pts - 8th) Televoting (59 pts - 17th)
12 Ukraine
10 Latvia Lithuania
8 Malta 8 Belgium
7 Albania Norway 7 Ukraine
6 Croatia Spain 6 Iceland Israel
5 Bulgaria Finland Greece Portugal Sweden 5 Albania Armenia Lithuania
4 Armenia Ireland 4 Finland Georgia Spain
3 Belgium Cyprus Iceland 3 Poland
2 Denmark Russia Slovenia
1 Cyprus Norway
France received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 7 5 12 2
Armenia 4 5 9 1
Australia 22th 18th 0 0
Austria 18th 21th 0 0
Azerbaijan 21th 12th 0 0
Belarus 11th 15th 0 0
Belgium 3 8 11 5
Bulgaria 5 17th 5 5
Croatia 6 12th 6 6
Cyprus 3 1 4 2
Denmark 2 13th 2 2
Estonia 14th 12th 0 0
Finland 5 4 9 1
Georgia 14th 4 4 4
Germany 12th 16th 0 0
Greece 5 11th 5 5
Hungary 24th 22th 0 0
Iceland 3 6 9 3
Ireland 4 13th 4 4
Israel 23th 6 6 6
Italy 11th 16th 0 0
Latvia 10 16th 10 10
Lithuania 10 5 15 5
Malta 8 13th 8 8
Moldova 18th 11th 0 0
Montenegro 17th 18th 0 0
Netherlands 21th 14th 0 0
North Macedonia 21th 16th 0 0
Norway 7 1 8 6
Poland 20th 3 3 3
Portugal 5 12th 5 5
Romania 25th 11th 0 0
Russia 2 15th 2 2
Serbia 25th 17th 0 0
Slovenia 2 11th 2 2
Spain 6 4 10 2
Sweden 5 14th 5 5
Switzerland 17th 11th 0 0
Ukraine 12 7 19 5
Michael SchulteYou Let Me Walk Alone
Run.11Jury204 ptsTV136 pts204136Total340 pts3404th
Germany gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Italy
10 Austria 10 Israel
8 Ireland 8 Czech Republic
7 Australia 7 Ireland
6 Spain 6 Cyprus
5 Netherlands 5 Austria
4 Lithuania 4 Lithuania
3 Cyprus 3 Denmark
2 Estonia 2 Hungary
1 Israel 1 United Kingdom
Germany received (340 pts - 4th)X
Jury (204 pts - 4th) Televoting (136 pts - 6th)
12 Denmark Netherlands Norway Switzerland 12 Denmark Netherlands
10 Australia Austria Italy Poland Serbia
8 France Ireland 8 Albania Iceland Ireland Portugal
7 Georgia Spain
6 Albania Bulgaria Estonia Iceland 6 Austria Norway Spain Switzerland
5 Armenia Belgium Israel Lithuania 5 Sweden
4 Moldova Romania Russia 4 Malta Moldova Romania Slovenia
3 Latvia North Macedonia 3 Azerbaijan Croatia Cyprus Israel Italy
2 Azerbaijan 2 Australia Belgium Greece Lithuania
1 Finland Sweden 1 Hungary Poland
Germany received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 6 8 14 2
Armenia 5 12th 5 5
Australia 10 2 12 8
Austria 10 6 16 4
Azerbaijan 2 3 5 1
Belarus 18th 14th 0 0
Belgium 5 2 7 3
Bulgaria 6 11th 6 6
Croatia 22th 3 3 3
Cyprus 22th 3 3 3
Denmark 12 12 24 0
Estonia 6 15th 6 6
Finland 1 16th 1 1
France 8 11th 8 8
Georgia 7 13th 7 7
Greece 11th 2 2 2
Hungary 14th 1 1 1
Iceland 6 8 14 2
Ireland 8 8 16 0
Israel 5 3 8 2
Italy 10 3 13 7
Latvia 3 17th 3 3
Lithuania 5 2 7 3
Malta 12th 4 4 4
Moldova 4 4 8 0
Montenegro 12th 17th 0 0
Netherlands 12 12 24 0
North Macedonia 3 11th 3 3
Norway 12 6 18 6
Poland 10 1 11 9
Portugal 14th 8 8 8
Romania 4 4 8 0
Russia 4 13th 4 4
Serbia 10 12th 10 10
Slovenia 14th 4 4 4
Spain 7 6 13 1
Sweden 1 5 6 4
Switzerland 12 6 18 6
Ukraine 14th 12th 0 0
AWSViszlát Nyár
Run.21Jury28 ptsTV65 pts2865Total93 pts9321st
Hungary gaveX
12 Denmark 12 Denmark
10 Albania 10 Israel
8 Austria 8 Czech Republic
7 Australia 7 Cyprus
6 Israel 6 Italy
5 Lithuania 5 Norway
4 Netherlands 4 Netherlands
3 Ireland 3 Austria
2 Norway 2 Moldova
1 Sweden 1 Germany
Hungary received (93 pts - 21st)X
Jury (28 pts - 22nd) Televoting (65 pts - 15th)
12 Serbia
10 Romania
8 Azerbaijan 8 Finland
7 Poland
6 Greece
5 Bulgaria
4 Cyprus
3 Israel Poland 3 Austria Estonia Montenegro Slovenia
2 Lithuania 2 Belarus Germany Italy Moldova Netherlands
1 Ukraine
Hungary received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 19th 23th 0 0
Armenia 25th 18th 0 0
Australia 19th 15th 0 0
Austria 19th 3 3 3
Azerbaijan 8 17th 8 8
Belarus 26th 2 2 2
Belgium 19th 20th 0 0
Bulgaria 20th 5 5 5
Croatia 26th 16th 0 0
Cyprus 4 20th 4 4
Denmark 22th 19th 0 0
Estonia 24th 3 3 3
Finland 17th 8 8 8
France 23th 22th 0 0
Georgia 11th 14th 0 0
Germany 23th 2 2 2
Greece 6 13th 6 6
Iceland 18th 16th 0 0
Ireland 14th 14th 0 0
Israel 3 15th 3 3
Italy 22th 2 2 2
Latvia 20th 12th 0 0
Lithuania 2 14th 2 2
Malta 25th 23th 0 0
Moldova 25th 2 2 2
Montenegro 26th 3 3 3
Netherlands 23th 2 2 2
North Macedonia 20th 23th 0 0
Norway 24th 18th 0 0
Poland 3 7 10 4
Portugal 19th 18th 0 0
Romania 24th 10 10 10
Russia 16th 11th 0 0
Serbia 18th 12 12 12
Slovenia 21th 3 3 3
Spain 25th 18th 0 0
Sweden 17th 18th 0 0
Switzerland 24th 14th 0 0
Ukraine 15th 1 1 1
Ryan O'ShaughnessyTogether
Run.24Jury74 ptsTV62 pts7462Total136 pts13616th
Ireland gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Lithuania
10 Bulgaria 10 United Kingdom
8 Germany 8 Germany
7 Israel 7 Czech Republic
6 Portugal 6 Israel
5 Austria 5 Cyprus
4 France 4 Estonia
3 Estonia 3 Netherlands
2 Albania 2 Denmark
1 Spain 1 Moldova
Ireland received (136 pts - 16th)X
Jury (74 pts - 14th) Televoting (62 pts - 16th)
8 Germany 8 Australia
7 Albania Germany
6 Switzerland
5 Italy Poland Spain
4 Australia Austria Iceland Lithuania Sweden 4 Austria Belgium Denmark Netherlands
3 Croatia Hungary 3 Portugal
2 Finland 2 Poland
1 Bulgaria France Norway 1 Romania Spain
Ireland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 12th 7 7 7
Armenia 16th 17th 0 0
Australia 4 8 12 4
Austria 4 4 8 0
Azerbaijan 26th 20th 0 0
Belarus 12th 17th 0 0
Belgium 11th 4 4 4
Bulgaria 1 21th 1 1
Croatia 3 15th 3 3
Cyprus 11th 14th 0 0
Denmark 11th 4 4 4
Estonia 11th 13th 0 0
Finland 2 15th 2 2
France 1 12th 1 1
Georgia 13th 20th 0 0
Germany 8 7 15 1
Greece 17th 12th 0 0
Hungary 3 15th 3 3
Iceland 4 13th 4 4
Israel 11th 14th 0 0
Italy 5 14th 5 5
Latvia 21th 14th 0 0
Lithuania 4 15th 4 4
Malta 14th 11th 0 0
Moldova 19th 21th 0 0
Montenegro 24th 22th 0 0
Netherlands 15th 4 4 4
North Macedonia 19th 21th 0 0
Norway 1 19th 1 1
Poland 5 2 7 3
Portugal 11th 3 3 3
Romania 15th 1 1 1
Russia 25th 16th 0 0
Serbia 11th 21th 0 0
Slovenia 16th 17th 0 0
Spain 5 1 6 4
Sweden 4 16th 4 4
Switzerland 6 12th 6 6
Ukraine 21th 20th 0 0
Run.22Jury212 ptsTV317 pts212317Total529 pts5291st
Israel gaveX
12 Austria 12 Czech Republic
10 Sweden 10 Moldova
8 United Kingdom 8 Estonia
7 Australia 7 Ukraine
6 Finland 6 France
5 Germany 5 Italy
4 Slovenia 4 Denmark
3 Hungary 3 Germany
2 Denmark 2 Cyprus
1 Bulgaria 1 Austria
Israel received (529 pts - 1st)X
Jury (212 pts - 3rd) Televoting (317 pts - 1st)
12 Austria Finland France 12 Australia Azerbaijan France Georgia Moldova Spain Ukraine
10 Croatia Moldova Spain Ukraine 10 Armenia Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Germany Hungary Netherlands Poland Russia Sweden
8 Armenia Iceland Russia 8 Belarus Latvia Malta Romania
7 Ireland Sweden 7 Austria Finland Iceland Italy Norway Serbia
6 Australia Belgium Hungary Lithuania Malta 6 Croatia Greece Ireland
5 Albania Netherlands 5 Switzerland
4 Bulgaria Greece
3 Denmark Georgia 3 North Macedonia
2 Italy Serbia
1 Azerbaijan Germany North Macedonia Portugal Slovenia Switzerland 1 Albania Lithuania Montenegro Portugal
Israel received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 5 1 6 4
Armenia 8 10 18 2
Australia 6 12 18 6
Austria 12 7 19 5
Azerbaijan 1 12 13 11
Belarus 17th 8 8 8
Belgium 6 10 16 4
Bulgaria 4 10 14 6
Croatia 10 6 16 4
Cyprus 12th 10 10 10
Denmark 3 11th 3 3
Estonia 16th 16th 0 0
Finland 12 7 19 5
France 12 12 24 0
Georgia 3 12 15 9
Germany 1 10 11 9
Greece 4 6 10 2
Hungary 6 10 16 4
Iceland 8 7 15 1
Ireland 7 6 13 1
Italy 2 7 9 5
Latvia 12th 8 8 8
Lithuania 6 1 7 5
Malta 6 8 14 2
Moldova 10 12 22 2
Montenegro 18th 1 1 1
Netherlands 5 10 15 5
North Macedonia 1 3 4 2
Norway 16th 7 7 7
Poland 19th 10 10 10
Portugal 1 1 2 0
Romania 11th 8 8 8
Russia 8 10 18 2
Serbia 2 7 9 5
Slovenia 1 12th 1 1
Spain 10 12 22 2
Sweden 7 10 17 3
Switzerland 1 5 6 4
Ukraine 10 12 22 2
Ermal Meta e Fabrizio MoroNon Mi Avete Fatto Niente
Run.26Jury59 ptsTV249 pts59249Total308 pts3085th
Italy gaveX
12 Norway 12 Albania
10 Germany 10 Moldova
8 Denmark 8 Ukraine
7 Austria 7 Israel
6 United Kingdom 6 Estonia
5 Ireland 5 Cyprus
4 Estonia 4 Denmark
3 Cyprus 3 Germany
2 Israel 2 Hungary
1 Sweden 1 Serbia
Italy received (308 pts - 5th)X
Jury (59 pts - 17th) Televoting (249 pts - 3rd)
12 Albania 12 Albania Germany Malta
10 Malta 10 Austria Croatia France Portugal Slovenia
8 Cyprus Serbia 8 Greece Moldova Montenegro Switzerland
7 Cyprus Estonia Lithuania Netherlands Spain
6 Belgium Bulgaria Finland Hungary Latvia North Macedonia Romania Russia Serbia
5 Azerbaijan Georgia Israel Poland Ukraine
4 Finland Montenegro Portugal 4 Belarus
3 Spain 3 Armenia
1 Greece Russia
Italy received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 12 12 24 0
Armenia 22th 3 3 3
Australia 12th 17th 0 0
Austria 13th 10 10 10
Azerbaijan 18th 5 5 5
Belarus 19th 4 4 4
Belgium 23th 6 6 6
Bulgaria 24th 6 6 6
Croatia 17th 10 10 10
Cyprus 8 7 15 1
Denmark 21th 17th 0 0
Estonia 21th 7 7 7
Finland 4 6 10 2
France 13th 10 10 10
Georgia 12th 5 5 5
Germany 17th 12 12 12
Greece 1 8 9 7
Hungary 25th 6 6 6
Iceland 24th 18th 0 0
Ireland 22th 15th 0 0
Israel 21th 5 5 5
Latvia 25th 6 6 6
Lithuania 21th 7 7 7
Malta 10 12 22 2
Moldova 23th 8 8 8
Montenegro 4 8 12 4
Netherlands 19th 7 7 7
North Macedonia 12th 6 6 6
Norway 18th 11th 0 0
Poland 21th 5 5 5
Portugal 4 10 14 6
Romania 12th 6 6 6
Russia 1 6 7 5
Serbia 8 6 14 2
Slovenia 11th 10 10 10
Spain 3 7 10 4
Sweden 19th 11th 0 0
Switzerland 15th 8 8 8
Ukraine 16th 5 5 5
Ieva ZasimauskaiteWhen We're Old
Run.4Jury90 ptsTV91 pts9091Total181 pts18112th
Lithuania gaveX
12 Austria 12 Estonia
10 France 10 Denmark
8 Sweden 8 Czech Republic
7 Portugal 7 Italy
6 Israel 6 Cyprus
5 Germany 5 France
4 Ireland 4 Sweden
3 Netherlands 3 Austria
2 Hungary 2 Germany
1 Cyprus 1 Israel
Lithuania received (181 pts - 12th)X
Jury (90 pts - 11th) Televoting (91 pts - 10th)
12 Croatia 12 Estonia Ireland Latvia Norway
10 Bulgaria Estonia
8 Switzerland
7 Netherlands 7 Georgia Sweden
6 Portugal Romania 6 Cyprus
5 Belarus Hungary 5 Malta
4 Germany Latvia 4 Germany
3 Australia Norway Russia
2 Georgia 2 Ukraine
1 Poland
Lithuania received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 16th 15th 0 0
Armenia 14th 13th 0 0
Australia 3 20th 3 3
Austria 16th 15th 0 0
Azerbaijan 20th 16th 0 0
Belarus 5 11th 5 5
Belgium 14th 11th 0 0
Bulgaria 10 19th 10 10
Croatia 12 24th 12 12
Cyprus 16th 6 6 6
Denmark 15th 16th 0 0
Estonia 10 12 22 2
Finland 14th 14th 0 0
France 17th 19th 0 0
Georgia 2 7 9 5
Germany 4 4 8 0
Greece 18th 18th 0 0
Hungary 5 17th 5 5
Iceland 22th 11th 0 0
Ireland 15th 12 12 12
Israel 22th 21th 0 0
Italy 14th 13th 0 0
Latvia 4 12 16 8
Malta 13th 5 5 5
Moldova 13th 17th 0 0
Montenegro 16th 25th 0 0
Netherlands 7 19th 7 7
North Macedonia 22th 25th 0 0
Norway 3 12 15 9
Poland 1 14th 1 1
Portugal 6 13th 6 6
Romania 6 18th 6 6
Russia 3 18th 3 3
Serbia 23th 24th 0 0
Slovenia 12th 24th 0 0
Spain 19th 14th 0 0
Sweden 14th 7 7 7
Switzerland 8 20th 8 8
Ukraine 20th 2 2 2
DoReDoSMy Lucky Day
Run.19Jury94 ptsTV115 pts94115Total209 pts20910th
Moldova gaveX
12 Estonia 12 Israel
10 Israel 10 Ukraine
8 Bulgaria 8 Italy
7 Australia 7 Cyprus
6 Cyprus 6 Czech Republic
5 Ukraine 5 Norway
4 Germany 4 Germany
3 Austria 3 Bulgaria
2 Norway 2 Hungary
1 Netherlands 1 Estonia
Moldova received (209 pts - 10th)X
Jury (94 pts - 10th) Televoting (115 pts - 8th)
12 Russia 12 Romania Russia
10 Armenia Cyprus Greece 10 Israel Italy
8 Croatia Montenegro 8 Bulgaria
7 Azerbaijan Romania 7 Latvia
6 Slovenia 6 Belarus France Portugal Ukraine
5 Serbia 5 Australia
4 Azerbaijan
3 Georgia
2 Albania Australia 2 Hungary
1 Armenia Estonia Greece Ireland North Macedonia Serbia
Moldova received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 2 22th 2 2
Armenia 10 1 11 9
Australia 2 5 7 3
Austria 23th 12th 0 0
Azerbaijan 7 4 11 3
Belarus 22th 6 6 6
Belgium 22th 15th 0 0
Bulgaria 18th 8 8 8
Croatia 8 22th 8 8
Cyprus 10 13th 10 10
Denmark 25th 14th 0 0
Estonia 22th 1 1 1
Finland 22th 13th 0 0
France 15th 6 6 6
Georgia 26th 3 3 3
Germany 19th 15th 0 0
Greece 10 1 11 9
Hungary 13th 2 2 2
Iceland 23th 17th 0 0
Ireland 21th 1 1 1
Israel 14th 10 10 10
Italy 17th 10 10 10
Latvia 16th 7 7 7
Lithuania 25th 16th 0 0
Malta 20th 22th 0 0
Montenegro 8 14th 8 8
Netherlands 20th 12th 0 0
North Macedonia 11th 1 1 1
Norway 25th 17th 0 0
Poland 26th 17th 0 0
Portugal 25th 6 6 6
Romania 7 12 19 5
Russia 12 12 24 0
Serbia 5 1 6 4
Slovenia 6 15th 6 6
Spain 22th 12th 0 0
Sweden 18th 20th 0 0
Switzerland 25th 19th 0 0
Ukraine 19th 6 6 6
WaylonOutlaw In 'Em
Run.23Jury89 ptsTV32 pts8932Total121 pts12118th
Netherlands gaveX
12 Germany 12 Germany
10 Austria 10 Israel
8 Sweden 8 Denmark
7 Lithuania 7 Italy
6 Cyprus 6 Czech Republic
5 Israel 5 Cyprus
4 Estonia 4 Ireland
3 Norway 3 Austria
2 Portugal 2 Hungary
1 Slovenia 1 Norway
Netherlands received (121 pts - 18th)X
Jury (89 pts - 13th) Televoting (32 pts - 19th)
12 Belgium
10 Belgium
8 Poland Romania Ukraine
7 Serbia Slovenia
6 France
5 Georgia Germany Latvia 5 Denmark Norway
4 Hungary Norway 4 Hungary
3 Armenia Lithuania Montenegro 3 Ireland
2 Finland
1 Austria Estonia Moldova 1 Sweden
Netherlands received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 22th 12th 0 0
Armenia 3 15th 3 3
Australia 17th 22th 0 0
Austria 1 11th 1 1
Azerbaijan 25th 14th 0 0
Belarus 13th 19th 0 0
Belgium 10 12 22 2
Bulgaria 12th 12th 0 0
Croatia 25th 21th 0 0
Cyprus 13th 16th 0 0
Denmark 17th 5 5 5
Estonia 1 11th 1 1
Finland 19th 2 2 2
France 6 20th 6 6
Georgia 5 18th 5 5
Germany 5 11th 5 5
Greece 12th 16th 0 0
Hungary 4 4 8 0
Iceland 19th 14th 0 0
Ireland 23th 3 3 3
Israel 19th 20th 0 0
Italy 13th 18th 0 0
Latvia 5 15th 5 5
Lithuania 3 13th 3 3
Malta 19th 20th 0 0
Moldova 1 16th 1 1
Montenegro 3 19th 3 3
North Macedonia 18th 24th 0 0
Norway 4 5 9 1
Poland 8 20th 8 8
Portugal 17th 20th 0 0
Romania 8 16th 8 8
Russia 22th 17th 0 0
Serbia 7 15th 7 7
Slovenia 7 18th 7 7
Spain 13th 19th 0 0
Sweden 13th 1 1 1
Switzerland 19th 15th 0 0
Ukraine 8 16th 8 8
Alexander RybakThat's How You Write A Song
Run.7Jury60 ptsTV84 pts6084Total144 pts14415th
Norway gaveX
12 Germany 12 Lithuania
10 Sweden 10 Denmark
8 Austria 8 Austria
7 France 7 Israel
6 Australia 6 Germany
5 Cyprus 5 Netherlands
4 Netherlands 4 Czech Republic
3 Lithuania 3 Sweden
2 Spain 2 Cyprus
1 Ireland 1 France
Norway received (144 pts - 15th)X
Jury (60 pts - 16th) Televoting (84 pts - 11th)
12 Italy
10 Belarus
8 Belarus 8 Denmark Sweden
7 Montenegro 7 Armenia Azerbaijan
6 Serbia
5 Croatia 5 Cyprus Hungary Moldova Russia Slovenia
4 Estonia Malta 4 Iceland
3 Netherlands 3 Greece Serbia Spain
2 Hungary Moldova Sweden 2 Estonia Latvia
1 Australia Netherlands
Norway received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 25th 13th 0 0
Armenia 12th 7 7 7
Australia 16th 1 1 1
Austria 17th 17th 0 0
Azerbaijan 13th 7 7 7
Belarus 8 10 18 2
Belgium 13th 14th 0 0
Bulgaria 11th 15th 0 0
Croatia 5 14th 5 5
Cyprus 15th 5 5 5
Denmark 18th 8 8 8
Estonia 4 2 6 2
Finland 13th 11th 0 0
France 12th 16th 0 0
Georgia 16th 12th 0 0
Germany 18th 14th 0 0
Greece 15th 3 3 3
Hungary 2 5 7 3
Iceland 21th 4 4 4
Ireland 18th 17th 0 0
Israel 16th 11th 0 0
Italy 12 19th 12 12
Latvia 11th 2 2 2
Lithuania 16th 18th 0 0
Malta 4 17th 4 4
Moldova 2 5 7 3
Montenegro 7 11th 7 7
Netherlands 3 1 4 2
North Macedonia 15th 13th 0 0
Poland 12th 11th 0 0
Portugal 23th 17th 0 0
Romania 14th 17th 0 0
Russia 13th 5 5 5
Serbia 6 3 9 3
Slovenia 17th 5 5 5
Spain 11th 3 3 3
Sweden 2 8 10 6
Switzerland 14th 22th 0 0
Ukraine 12th 11th 0 0
Cláudia PascoalO Jardim
Run.8Jury21 ptsTV18 pts2118Total39 pts3926th
Portugal gaveX
12 Estonia 12 Spain
10 Albania 10 Italy
8 Austria 8 Germany
7 Bulgaria 7 Estonia
6 Lithuania 6 Moldova
5 France 5 Cyprus
4 Italy 4 Ukraine
3 Slovenia 3 Ireland
2 Spain 2 Denmark
1 Israel 1 Israel
Portugal received (39 pts - 26th)X
Jury (21 pts - 25th) Televoting (18 pts - 25th)
10 Switzerland
8 France
7 Lithuania
6 Ireland
3 Estonia Switzerland
2 Netherlands
Portugal received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 17th 24th 0 0
Armenia 15th 26th 0 0
Australia 18th 24th 0 0
Austria 11th 25th 0 0
Azerbaijan 23th 26th 0 0
Belarus 24th 25th 0 0
Belgium 17th 17th 0 0
Bulgaria 22th 24th 0 0
Croatia 19th 26th 0 0
Cyprus 20th 24th 0 0
Denmark 23th 25th 0 0
Estonia 3 22th 3 3
Finland 20th 23th 0 0
France 11th 8 8 8
Georgia 24th 26th 0 0
Germany 13th 18th 0 0
Greece 25th 26th 0 0
Hungary 18th 25th 0 0
Iceland 15th 26th 0 0
Ireland 6 22th 6 6
Israel 18th 25th 0 0
Italy 23th 25th 0 0
Latvia 17th 26th 0 0
Lithuania 7 21th 7 7
Malta 24th 26th 0 0
Moldova 24th 24th 0 0
Montenegro 25th 26th 0 0
Netherlands 2 21th 2 2
North Macedonia 26th 26th 0 0
Norway 11th 25th 0 0
Poland 15th 26th 0 0
Romania 19th 26th 0 0
Russia 26th 26th 0 0
Serbia 24th 25th 0 0
Slovenia 25th 25th 0 0
Spain 15th 13th 0 0
Sweden 24th 25th 0 0
Switzerland 3 10 13 7
Ukraine 23th 25th 0 0
Sanja Ilic & BalkanikaNova Deca
Run.10Jury38 ptsTV75 pts3875Total113 pts11319th
Serbia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Hungary
10 Germany 10 Cyprus
8 Italy 8 Slovenia
7 Netherlands 7 Israel
6 Norway 6 Italy
5 Moldova 5 Czech Republic
4 Austria 4 Denmark
3 Estonia 3 Norway
2 Israel 2 Bulgaria
1 Albania 1 Moldova
Serbia received (113 pts - 19th)X
Jury (38 pts - 21st) Televoting (75 pts - 12th)
12 Montenegro 12 Croatia Montenegro Slovenia Switzerland
10 Azerbaijan 10 North Macedonia
8 North Macedonia 8 Austria
7 Bulgaria
3 Albania
2 Greece
1 France Italy
Serbia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 3 16th 3 3
Armenia 21th 20th 0 0
Australia 23th 21th 0 0
Austria 24th 8 8 8
Azerbaijan 10 21th 10 10
Belarus 23th 20th 0 0
Belgium 26th 26th 0 0
Bulgaria 19th 7 7 7
Croatia 21th 12 12 12
Cyprus 23th 12th 0 0
Denmark 12th 23th 0 0
Estonia 25th 25th 0 0
Finland 24th 25th 0 0
France 25th 1 1 1
Georgia 22th 21th 0 0
Germany 21th 13th 0 0
Greece 2 19th 2 2
Hungary 21th 16th 0 0
Iceland 17th 24th 0 0
Ireland 25th 25th 0 0
Israel 12th 23th 0 0
Italy 19th 1 1 1
Latvia 15th 23th 0 0
Lithuania 24th 25th 0 0
Malta 26th 19th 0 0
Moldova 16th 14th 0 0
Montenegro 12 12 24 0
Netherlands 24th 17th 0 0
North Macedonia 8 10 18 2
Norway 22th 21th 0 0
Poland 24th 23th 0 0
Portugal 21th 25th 0 0
Romania 23th 15th 0 0
Russia 11th 12th 0 0
Slovenia 15th 12 12 12
Spain 23th 25th 0 0
Sweden 25th 17th 0 0
Switzerland 23th 12 12 12
Ukraine 22th 21th 0 0
Lea SirkHvala, ne!
Run.3Jury41 ptsTV23 pts4123Total64 pts6422nd
Slovenia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Serbia
10 Austria 10 Italy
8 Cyprus 8 Czech Republic
7 Netherlands 7 Denmark
6 Moldova 6 Cyprus
5 Estonia 5 Norway
4 Albania 4 Germany
3 Czech Republic 3 Hungary
2 France 2 Austria
1 Israel 1 Albania
Slovenia received (64 pts - 22nd)X
Jury (41 pts - 19th) Televoting (23 pts - 22nd)
8 Serbia
7 Croatia
6 Montenegro
5 Austria Ukraine
4 Belarus Israel
3 Portugal
2 France North Macedonia 2 North Macedonia
1 Latvia Netherlands Romania
Slovenia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 18th 19th 0 0
Armenia 26th 25th 0 0
Australia 25th 14th 0 0
Austria 5 20th 5 5
Azerbaijan 11th 25th 0 0
Belarus 4 18th 4 4
Belgium 25th 25th 0 0
Bulgaria 15th 25th 0 0
Croatia 16th 7 7 7
Cyprus 24th 25th 0 0
Denmark 16th 21th 0 0
Estonia 23th 24th 0 0
Finland 25th 22th 0 0
France 2 25th 2 2
Georgia 17th 25th 0 0
Germany 14th 24th 0 0
Greece 23th 25th 0 0
Hungary 22th 18th 0 0
Iceland 13th 21th 0 0
Ireland 24th 24th 0 0
Israel 4 18th 4 4
Italy 24th 22th 0 0
Latvia 1 22th 1 1
Lithuania 12th 22th 0 0
Malta 23th 24th 0 0
Moldova 15th 22th 0 0
Montenegro 23th 6 6 6
Netherlands 1 25th 1 1
North Macedonia 2 2 4 0
Norway 21th 23th 0 0
Poland 17th 16th 0 0
Portugal 3 24th 3 3
Romania 1 25th 1 1
Russia 20th 22th 0 0
Serbia 13th 8 8 8
Spain 17th 24th 0 0
Sweden 21th 23th 0 0
Switzerland 12th 26th 0 0
Ukraine 5 17th 5 5
Amaia y AlfredTu Canción
Run.2Jury43 ptsTV18 pts4318Total61 pts6123rd
Spain gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Israel
10 Israel 10 Czech Republic
8 Austria 8 Cyprus
7 Germany 7 Italy
6 France 6 Germany
5 Ireland 5 Bulgaria
4 Czech Republic 4 France
3 Italy 3 Norway
2 Sweden 2 Estonia
1 Estonia 1 Ireland
Spain received (61 pts - 23rd)X
Jury (43 pts - 18th) Televoting (18 pts - 24th)
12 Portugal
10 Romania
7 Australia Cyprus
6 Denmark Germany
5 France
2 Norway Portugal
1 Belgium Ireland 1 Switzerland
Spain received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 14th 25th 0 0
Armenia 23th 19th 0 0
Australia 7 25th 7 7
Austria 15th 23th 0 0
Azerbaijan 14th 24th 0 0
Belarus 21th 26th 0 0
Belgium 1 19th 1 1
Bulgaria 13th 22th 0 0
Croatia 15th 19th 0 0
Cyprus 7 21th 7 7
Denmark 6 20th 6 6
Estonia 13th 18th 0 0
Finland 15th 24th 0 0
France 16th 5 5 5
Georgia 15th 24th 0 0
Germany 6 25th 6 6
Greece 24th 24th 0 0
Hungary 16th 24th 0 0
Iceland 14th 23th 0 0
Ireland 1 19th 1 1
Israel 25th 19th 0 0
Italy 16th 17th 0 0
Latvia 23th 25th 0 0
Lithuania 13th 24th 0 0
Malta 21th 25th 0 0
Moldova 14th 20th 0 0
Montenegro 19th 21th 0 0
Netherlands 11th 22th 0 0
North Macedonia 25th 19th 0 0
Norway 2 24th 2 2
Poland 11th 24th 0 0
Portugal 2 12 14 10
Romania 10 23th 10 10
Russia 24th 25th 0 0
Serbia 20th 20th 0 0
Slovenia 20th 21th 0 0
Sweden 20th 24th 0 0
Switzerland 20th 1 1 1
Ukraine 18th 24th 0 0
Benjamin IngrossoDance You Off
Run.20Jury253 ptsTV21 pts25321Total274 pts2747th
Sweden gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Denmark
10 Austria 10 Israel
8 Australia 8 Norway
7 Israel 7 Lithuania
6 Bulgaria 6 Finland
5 France 5 Germany
4 Ireland 4 Cyprus
3 Finland 3 Czech Republic
2 Norway 2 Austria
1 Germany 1 Netherlands
Sweden received (274 pts - 7th)X
Jury (253 pts - 2nd) Televoting (21 pts - 23rd)
12 Armenia Australia Cyprus Georgia Germany Latvia Serbia Slovenia
10 Israel Norway Russia
8 Austria Belgium Finland Greece Lithuania Netherlands
7 Malta North Macedonia 7 Denmark
6 Poland Ukraine
5 Estonia France Iceland Switzerland
4 Albania Denmark 4 Lithuania
3 Norway
2 Bulgaria Spain 2 Azerbaijan Iceland Montenegro
1 Belarus Hungary Italy 1 Russia
Sweden received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 4 21th 4 4
Armenia 12 24th 12 12
Australia 12 12th 12 12
Austria 8 18th 8 8
Azerbaijan 17th 2 2 2
Belarus 1 13th 1 1
Belgium 8 22th 8 8
Bulgaria 2 20th 2 2
Croatia 13th 23th 0 0
Cyprus 12 18th 12 12
Denmark 4 7 11 3
Estonia 5 17th 5 5
Finland 8 12th 8 8
France 5 18th 5 5
Georgia 12 15th 12 12
Germany 12 21th 12 12
Greece 8 17th 8 8
Hungary 1 21th 1 1
Iceland 5 2 7 3
Ireland 19th 18th 0 0
Israel 10 24th 10 10
Italy 1 24th 1 1
Latvia 12 11th 12 12
Lithuania 8 4 12 4
Malta 7 12th 7 7
Moldova 20th 15th 0 0
Montenegro 15th 2 2 2
Netherlands 8 13th 8 8
North Macedonia 7 18th 7 7
Norway 10 3 13 7
Poland 6 13th 6 6
Portugal 22th 19th 0 0
Romania 17th 19th 0 0
Russia 10 1 11 9
Serbia 12 19th 12 12
Slovenia 12 19th 12 12
Spain 2 11th 2 2
Switzerland 5 23th 5 5
Ukraine 6 15th 6 6
MELOVINUnder The Ladder
Run.1Jury11 ptsTV119 pts11119Total130 pts13017th
Ukraine gaveX
12 France 12 Israel
10 Israel 10 Czech Republic
8 Netherlands 8 Denmark
7 Austria 7 France
6 Sweden 6 Moldova
5 Slovenia 5 Italy
4 Czech Republic 4 Cyprus
3 Denmark 3 Estonia
2 Australia 2 Lithuania
1 Estonia 1 Hungary
Ukraine received (130 pts - 17th)X
Jury (11 pts - 26th) Televoting (119 pts - 7th)
12 Belarus Poland
10 Moldova
8 Azerbaijan Georgia Italy Russia
7 Israel Montenegro
6 Azerbaijan
5 Moldova
4 Armenia France North Macedonia Portugal
3 Latvia
2 Cyprus
1 Bulgaria
Ukraine received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 23th 18th 0 0
Armenia 19th 4 4 4
Australia 15th 16th 0 0
Austria 22th 22th 0 0
Azerbaijan 6 8 14 2
Belarus 15th 12 12 12
Belgium 24th 24th 0 0
Bulgaria 14th 1 1 1
Croatia 24th 20th 0 0
Cyprus 19th 2 2 2
Denmark 19th 18th 0 0
Estonia 19th 19th 0 0
Finland 23th 19th 0 0
France 19th 4 4 4
Georgia 20th 8 8 8
Germany 11th 20th 0 0
Greece 22th 15th 0 0
Hungary 17th 11th 0 0
Iceland 25th 20th 0 0
Ireland 20th 21th 0 0
Israel 20th 7 7 7
Italy 25th 8 8 8
Latvia 18th 3 3 3
Lithuania 22th 12th 0 0
Malta 17th 21th 0 0
Moldova 5 10 15 5
Montenegro 21th 7 7 7
Netherlands 14th 23th 0 0
North Macedonia 24th 4 4 4
Norway 19th 20th 0 0
Poland 16th 12 12 12
Portugal 16th 4 4 4
Romania 20th 21th 0 0
Russia 15th 8 8 8
Serbia 22th 18th 0 0
Slovenia 24th 13th 0 0
Spain 21th 16th 0 0
Sweden 15th 21th 0 0
Switzerland 26th 25th 0 0
Run.9Jury23 ptsTV25 pts2325Total48 pts4824th
United Kingdom received (48 pts - 24th)X
Jury (23 pts - 23rd) Televoting (25 pts - 20th)
10 Ireland
8 Israel
6 Italy 6 Australia
3 France 3 Albania Denmark
2 Croatia Latvia Montenegro
1 Germany Malta
United Kingdom received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 15th 3 3 3
Armenia 18th 22th 0 0
Australia 21th 6 6 6
Austria 20th 19th 0 0
Azerbaijan 22th 18th 0 0
Belarus 16th 22th 0 0
Belgium 16th 18th 0 0
Bulgaria 16th 23th 0 0
Croatia 2 18th 2 2
Cyprus 21th 15th 0 0
Denmark 14th 3 3 3
Estonia 12th 21th 0 0
Finland 16th 21th 0 0
France 3 15th 3 3
Georgia 19th 19th 0 0
Germany 20th 1 1 1
Greece 26th 22th 0 0
Hungary 20th 23th 0 0
Iceland 11th 15th 0 0
Ireland 13th 10 10 10
Israel 8 13th 8 8
Italy 6 21th 6 6
Latvia 2 18th 2 2
Lithuania 15th 20th 0 0
Malta 16th 1 1 1
Moldova 21th 23th 0 0
Montenegro 2 23th 2 2
Netherlands 18th 16th 0 0
North Macedonia 13th 22th 0 0
Norway 15th 14th 0 0
Poland 25th 21th 0 0
Portugal 20th 16th 0 0
Romania 21th 22th 0 0
Russia 21th 24th 0 0
Serbia 17th 22th 0 0
Slovenia 18th 23th 0 0
Spain 16th 21th 0 0
Sweden 23th 19th 0 0
Switzerland 16th 16th 0 0
Ukraine 24th 22th 0 0
Artist / Song
Run.Run.JuryJury ptsTVTV ptsJuryTVTotalTotal Pts ptsTotal PtsPlace
Eugent BushpepaMall
Run.3Jury114 ptsTV48 pts11448Total162 pts1628th
Albania gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Cyprus
10 Israel 10 Greece
8 North Macedonia 8 Finland
7 Belarus 7 Azerbaijan
6 Bulgaria 6 Estonia
5 Azerbaijan 5 Bulgaria
4 Belgium 4 Israel
3 Greece 3 Austria
2 Switzerland 2 Czech Republic
1 Lithuania 1 Switzerland
Albania received (162 pts - 8th)X
Jury (114 pts - 3rd) Televoting (48 pts - 11th)
12 Belarus Iceland 12 North Macedonia
10 North Macedonia 10 Greece Switzerland
8 Greece
7 Azerbaijan Cyprus
6 Austria Bulgaria Finland
5 Armenia Portugal 5 Spain
4 Belgium Croatia Israel Spain 4 Croatia
1 Estonia Lithuania 1 Austria Finland Ireland
Albania received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Armenia 5 15th 5 5
Austria 6 1 7 5
Azerbaijan 7 11th 7 7
Belarus 12 16th 12 12
Belgium 4 11th 4 4
Bulgaria 6 15th 6 6
Croatia 4 4 8 0
Cyprus 7 14th 7 7
Estonia 1 13th 1 1
Finland 6 1 7 5
Greece 8 10 18 2
Iceland 12 14th 12 12
Ireland 11th 1 1 1
Israel 4 13th 4 4
Lithuania 1 14th 1 1
North Macedonia 10 12 22 2
Portugal 5 15th 5 5
Spain 4 5 9 1
Switzerland 13th 10 10 10
Sevak KhanagyanQami
Run.16Jury38 ptsTV41 pts3841Total79 pts7915th
Armenia gaveX
12 Israel 12 Cyprus
10 Cyprus 10 Belarus
8 Estonia 8 Greece
7 Czech Republic 7 Czech Republic
6 Belgium 6 Austria
5 Albania 5 Estonia
4 Austria 4 Israel
3 Switzerland 3 Belgium
2 Greece 2 Bulgaria
1 Belarus 1 Croatia
Armenia received (79 pts - 15th)X
Jury (38 pts - 14th) Televoting (41 pts - 14th)
12 Belarus
10 Austria
6 Belgium 6 Belgium Bulgaria
5 Israel 5 Greece
4 Belarus Portugal 4 Cyprus
3 Finland
2 Bulgaria
Armenia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 11th 12th 0 0
Austria 10 15th 10 10
Azerbaijan 18th 18th 0 0
Belarus 4 12 16 8
Belgium 6 6 12 0
Bulgaria 2 6 8 4
Croatia 15th 17th 0 0
Cyprus 18th 4 4 4
Estonia 15th 12th 0 0
Finland 3 15th 3 3
Greece 17th 5 5 5
Iceland 14th 17th 0 0
Ireland 13th 14th 0 0
Israel 5 14th 5 5
Lithuania 15th 13th 0 0
North Macedonia 15th 18th 0 0
Portugal 4 17th 4 4
Spain 15th 14th 0 0
Switzerland 11th 17th 0 0
Cesár SampsonNobody But You
Run.13Jury115 ptsTV116 pts115116Total231 pts2314th
Austria gaveX
12 Israel 12 Ireland
10 Armenia 10 Czech Republic
8 Czech Republic 8 Switzerland
7 Belgium 7 Cyprus
6 Albania 6 Israel
5 Ireland 5 Bulgaria
4 Bulgaria 4 Azerbaijan
3 Estonia 3 Estonia
2 Lithuania 2 Croatia
1 Switzerland 1 Albania
Austria received (231 pts - 4th)X
Jury (115 pts - 2nd) Televoting (116 pts - 5th)
12 Belgium Estonia Israel 12 Switzerland
10 Lithuania 10 Belgium Lithuania
8 Bulgaria Finland Spain 8 Bulgaria Estonia Finland Ireland Israel
7 Iceland Ireland 7 Croatia Iceland
6 Portugal Switzerland 6 Armenia
5 Azerbaijan Portugal
4 Armenia 4 Belarus
3 Cyprus 3 Albania
1 Belarus 1 Cyprus
Austria received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 12th 3 3 3
Armenia 4 6 10 2
Azerbaijan 15th 5 5 5
Belarus 1 4 5 3
Belgium 12 10 22 2
Bulgaria 8 8 16 0
Croatia 11th 7 7 7
Cyprus 3 1 4 2
Estonia 12 8 20 4
Finland 8 8 16 0
Greece 14th 15th 0 0
Iceland 7 7 14 0
Ireland 7 8 15 1
Israel 12 8 20 4
Lithuania 10 10 20 0
North Macedonia 18th 11th 0 0
Portugal 6 5 11 1
Spain 8 11th 8 8
Switzerland 6 12 18 6
AiselX My Heart
Run.1Jury47 ptsTV47 pts4747Total94 pts9411th
Azerbaijan gaveX
12 Belarus 12 Belarus
10 Greece 10 Israel
8 Cyprus 8 Czech Republic
7 Albania 7 Cyprus
6 North Macedonia 6 Ireland
5 Croatia 5 Austria
4 Israel 4 Bulgaria
3 Switzerland 3 Estonia
2 Bulgaria 2 Belgium
1 Estonia 1 Lithuania
Azerbaijan received (94 pts - 11th)X
Jury (47 pts - 12th) Televoting (47 pts - 12th)
12 Greece
10 Cyprus Israel
7 North Macedonia 7 Albania Portugal
5 Albania 5 Croatia Israel North Macedonia
4 Austria
3 Estonia 3 Greece
1 Iceland
Azerbaijan received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 5 7 12 2
Armenia 18th 17th 0 0
Austria 16th 4 4 4
Belarus 13th 11th 0 0
Belgium 15th 14th 0 0
Bulgaria 11th 13th 0 0
Croatia 17th 5 5 5
Cyprus 10 15th 10 10
Estonia 3 11th 3 3
Finland 14th 16th 0 0
Greece 12 3 15 9
Iceland 16th 1 1 1
Ireland 14th 17th 0 0
Israel 10 5 15 5
Lithuania 18th 11th 0 0
North Macedonia 7 5 12 2
Portugal 19th 7 7 7
Spain 13th 17th 0 0
Switzerland 16th 15th 0 0
Run.8Jury20 ptsTV45 pts2045Total65 pts6516th
Belarus gaveX
12 Albania 12 Armenia
10 Czech Republic 10 Israel
8 Croatia 8 Czech Republic
7 Iceland 7 Cyprus
6 Israel 6 Lithuania
5 Bulgaria 5 Bulgaria
4 Armenia 4 Austria
3 Finland 3 Estonia
2 Ireland 2 Belgium
1 Austria 1 Ireland
Belarus received (65 pts - 16th)X
Jury (20 pts - 17th) Televoting (45 pts - 13th)
12 Azerbaijan 12 Azerbaijan
10 Armenia
7 Albania
6 Estonia Lithuania
5 Cyprus
3 Finland
2 Bulgaria
1 Armenia 1 Greece
Belarus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 7 13th 7 7
Armenia 1 10 11 9
Austria 18th 16th 0 0
Azerbaijan 12 12 24 0
Belgium 17th 16th 0 0
Bulgaria 12th 2 2 2
Croatia 18th 15th 0 0
Cyprus 15th 5 5 5
Estonia 17th 6 6 6
Finland 17th 3 3 3
Greece 13th 1 1 1
Iceland 18th 15th 0 0
Ireland 18th 15th 0 0
Israel 18th 12th 0 0
Lithuania 17th 6 6 6
North Macedonia 13th 14th 0 0
Portugal 14th 13th 0 0
Spain 16th 16th 0 0
Switzerland 17th 18th 0 0
SennekA Matter Of Time
Run.4Jury71 ptsTV20 pts7120Total91 pts9112th
Belgium gaveX
12 Austria 12 Ireland
10 Czech Republic 10 Austria
8 Switzerland 8 Czech Republic
7 Israel 7 Cyprus
6 Armenia 6 Armenia
5 Ireland 5 Estonia
4 Albania 4 Lithuania
3 Cyprus 3 Israel
2 Bulgaria 2 Finland
1 Iceland 1 Greece
Belgium received (91 pts - 12th)X
Jury (71 pts - 9th) Televoting (20 pts - 16th)
12 Bulgaria
10 Portugal
8 Lithuania 8 Lithuania
7 Austria
6 Armenia
5 Finland
4 Albania Estonia
3 Armenia Estonia
2 Iceland Ireland 2 Azerbaijan Belarus Israel
1 Croatia
Belgium received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 4 15th 4 4
Armenia 6 3 9 3
Austria 7 14th 7 7
Azerbaijan 17th 2 2 2
Belarus 17th 2 2 2
Bulgaria 12 16th 12 12
Croatia 1 16th 1 1
Cyprus 16th 13th 0 0
Estonia 4 3 7 1
Finland 5 14th 5 5
Greece 16th 12th 0 0
Iceland 2 12th 2 2
Ireland 2 11th 2 2
Israel 13th 2 2 2
Lithuania 8 8 16 0
North Macedonia 17th 15th 0 0
Portugal 10 12th 10 10
Spain 12th 13th 0 0
Switzerland 14th 14th 0 0
Run.10Jury107 ptsTV70 pts10770Total177 pts1777th
Bulgaria gaveX
12 Belgium 12 Cyprus
10 Lithuania 10 Greece
8 Austria 8 Austria
7 Czech Republic 7 Israel
6 Albania 6 Armenia
5 Israel 5 North Macedonia
4 Croatia 4 Estonia
3 Cyprus 3 Czech Republic
2 Armenia 2 Belarus
1 Finland 1 Finland
Bulgaria received (177 pts - 7th)X
Jury (107 pts - 4th) Televoting (70 pts - 8th)
12 North Macedonia
10 Finland 10 Cyprus
8 North Macedonia Spain
7 Estonia Portugal 7 Greece
6 Albania Croatia Cyprus Greece Ireland
5 Belarus 5 Albania Austria Belarus
4 Austria 4 Azerbaijan
3 Lithuania Spain Switzerland 3 Ireland Israel
2 Azerbaijan Belgium 2 Armenia Lithuania
Bulgaria received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 6 5 11 1
Armenia 15th 2 2 2
Austria 4 5 9 1
Azerbaijan 2 4 6 2
Belarus 5 5 10 0
Belgium 2 12th 2 2
Croatia 6 12th 6 6
Cyprus 6 10 16 4
Estonia 7 17th 7 7
Finland 10 12th 10 10
Greece 6 7 13 1
Iceland 11th 11th 0 0
Ireland 6 3 9 3
Israel 14th 3 3 3
Lithuania 3 2 5 1
North Macedonia 12 8 20 4
Portugal 7 14th 7 7
Spain 3 8 11 5
Switzerland 3 13th 3 3
Run.12Jury46 ptsTV17 pts4617Total63 pts6317th
Croatia gaveX
12 Israel 12 Cyprus
10 Czech Republic 10 Czech Republic
8 Lithuania 8 Ireland
7 Ireland 7 Austria
6 Bulgaria 6 Estonia
5 Switzerland 5 Azerbaijan
4 Albania 4 Albania
3 Greece 3 Greece
2 Cyprus 2 Switzerland
1 Belgium 1 North Macedonia
Croatia received (63 pts - 17th)X
Jury (46 pts - 13th) Televoting (17 pts - 17th)
10 North Macedonia
8 Belarus
6 Israel North Macedonia
5 Azerbaijan Greece
4 Bulgaria Cyprus 4 Switzerland
2 Estonia 2 Austria
1 Portugal 1 Armenia
Croatia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 13th 17th 0 0
Armenia 12th 1 1 1
Austria 13th 2 2 2
Azerbaijan 5 16th 5 5
Belarus 8 15th 8 8
Belgium 14th 17th 0 0
Bulgaria 4 17th 4 4
Cyprus 4 16th 4 4
Estonia 2 15th 2 2
Finland 15th 17th 0 0
Greece 5 16th 5 5
Iceland 15th 16th 0 0
Ireland 12th 12th 0 0
Israel 6 16th 6 6
Lithuania 11th 16th 0 0
North Macedonia 6 10 16 4
Portugal 1 18th 1 1
Spain 11th 19th 0 0
Switzerland 12th 4 4 4
Eleni FoureiraFuego
Run.19Jury89 ptsTV173 pts89173Total262 pts2622nd
Cyprus gaveX
12 Israel 12 Greece
10 Azerbaijan 10 Bulgaria
8 Greece 8 Israel
7 Albania 7 Czech Republic
6 Bulgaria 6 Estonia
5 Estonia 5 Belarus
4 Croatia 4 Armenia
3 Austria 3 Lithuania
2 Finland 2 Ireland
1 Czech Republic 1 Austria
Cyprus received (262 pts - 2nd)X
Jury (89 pts - 6th) Televoting (173 pts - 1st)
12 Albania Ireland 12 Albania Armenia Bulgaria Croatia Greece
10 Armenia Spain 10 Israel Portugal Spain
8 Azerbaijan Estonia
7 Finland Greece 7 Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Ireland North Macedonia Switzerland
5 Finland Iceland Lithuania
4 Switzerland 4 Estonia
3 Belgium Bulgaria North Macedonia
2 Croatia
Cyprus received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 12 12 24 0
Armenia 10 12 22 2
Austria 11th 7 7 7
Azerbaijan 8 7 15 1
Belarus 15th 7 7 7
Belgium 3 7 10 4
Bulgaria 3 12 15 9
Croatia 2 12 14 10
Estonia 8 4 12 4
Finland 7 5 12 2
Greece 7 12 19 5
Iceland 12th 5 5 5
Ireland 12 7 19 5
Israel 12th 10 10 10
Lithuania 14th 5 5 5
North Macedonia 3 7 10 4
Portugal 15th 10 10 10
Spain 10 10 20 0
Switzerland 4 7 11 3
Mikolas JosefLie To Me
Run.5Jury98 ptsTV134 pts98134Total232 pts2323rd
Czechia received (232 pts - 3rd)X
Jury (98 pts - 5th) Televoting (134 pts - 2nd)
12 Iceland Israel
10 Belarus Belgium Croatia 10 Austria Croatia
8 Austria North Macedonia Switzerland 8 Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium
7 Armenia Bulgaria Spain 7 Armenia Cyprus Estonia Finland Lithuania
6 Greece North Macedonia
5 Iceland Lithuania
4 Ireland 4 Ireland Spain
3 Israel Portugal 3 Bulgaria Switzerland
2 Greece 2 Albania
1 Cyprus 1 Portugal
Czechia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 18th 2 2 2
Armenia 7 7 14 0
Austria 8 10 18 2
Azerbaijan 12th 8 8 8
Belarus 10 8 18 2
Belgium 10 8 18 2
Bulgaria 7 3 10 4
Croatia 10 10 20 0
Cyprus 1 7 8 6
Estonia 14th 7 7 7
Finland 12th 7 7 7
Greece 2 6 8 4
Iceland 5 12 17 7
Ireland 4 4 8 0
Israel 3 12 15 9
Lithuania 5 7 12 2
North Macedonia 8 6 14 2
Portugal 3 1 4 2
Spain 7 4 11 3
Switzerland 8 3 11 5
Elina NechayevaLa Forza
Run.9Jury81 ptsTV120 pts81120Total201 pts2015th
Estonia gaveX
12 Austria 12 Finland
10 Lithuania 10 Lithuania
8 Cyprus 8 Austria
7 Bulgaria 7 Czech Republic
6 Ireland 6 Belarus
5 Finland 5 Ireland
4 Belgium 4 Cyprus
3 Azerbaijan 3 Belgium
2 Croatia 2 Switzerland
1 Albania 1 Israel
Estonia received (201 pts - 5th)X
Jury (81 pts - 7th) Televoting (120 pts - 3rd)
12 Switzerland 12 Finland Lithuania Portugal
10 Greece 10 Ireland
8 Armenia Ireland Portugal 8 Greece
7 Israel
6 Iceland Spain 6 Albania Croatia Cyprus Iceland
5 Cyprus 5 Armenia Belgium
4 Lithuania North Macedonia 4 Bulgaria
3 Austria 3 Austria Azerbaijan Belarus
2 Spain
1 Azerbaijan 1 Switzerland
Estonia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 14th 6 6 6
Armenia 8 5 13 3
Austria 3 3 6 0
Azerbaijan 1 3 4 2
Belarus 12th 3 3 3
Belgium 11th 5 5 5
Bulgaria 16th 4 4 4
Croatia 12th 6 6 6
Cyprus 5 6 11 1
Finland 16th 12 12 12
Greece 10 8 18 2
Iceland 6 6 12 0
Ireland 8 10 18 2
Israel 16th 7 7 7
Lithuania 4 12 16 8
North Macedonia 4 12th 4 4
Portugal 8 12 20 4
Spain 6 2 8 4
Switzerland 12 1 13 11
Saara AaltoMonsters
Run.15Jury35 ptsTV73 pts3573Total108 pts10810th
Finland gaveX
12 Israel 12 Estonia
10 Bulgaria 10 Israel
8 Austria 8 Austria
7 Cyprus 7 Czech Republic
6 Albania 6 Ireland
5 Belgium 5 Cyprus
4 Ireland 4 Switzerland
3 Armenia 3 Belarus
2 Lithuania 2 Lithuania
1 Switzerland 1 Albania
Finland received (108 pts - 10th)X
Jury (35 pts - 15th) Televoting (73 pts - 7th)
12 Estonia
10 Iceland
8 Albania
7 Israel
6 Ireland Israel Spain
5 Estonia Ireland 5 Switzerland
4 Iceland 4 Portugal
3 Belarus 3 Lithuania
2 Cyprus Lithuania Switzerland 2 Belgium North Macedonia
1 Bulgaria Spain 1 Bulgaria
Finland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 16th 8 8 8
Armenia 17th 13th 0 0
Austria 12th 11th 0 0
Azerbaijan 14th 14th 0 0
Belarus 3 13th 3 3
Belgium 12th 2 2 2
Bulgaria 1 1 2 0
Croatia 13th 13th 0 0
Cyprus 2 12th 2 2
Estonia 5 12 17 7
Greece 15th 14th 0 0
Iceland 4 10 14 6
Ireland 5 6 11 1
Israel 7 6 13 1
Lithuania 2 3 5 1
North Macedonia 12th 2 2 2
Portugal 18th 4 4 4
Spain 1 6 7 5
Switzerland 2 5 7 3
Yianna TerziOniro Mou
Run.14Jury28 ptsTV53 pts2853Total81 pts8114th
Greece gaveX
12 Azerbaijan 12 Cyprus
10 Estonia 10 Albania
8 Albania 8 Estonia
7 Cyprus 7 Bulgaria
6 Bulgaria 6 Czech Republic
5 Croatia 5 Armenia
4 Israel 4 Ireland
3 North Macedonia 3 Azerbaijan
2 Czech Republic 2 Israel
1 Switzerland 1 Belarus
Greece received (81 pts - 14th)X
Jury (28 pts - 16th) Televoting (53 pts - 10th)
12 Cyprus
10 Azerbaijan 10 Albania Bulgaria
8 Cyprus 8 Armenia
4 North Macedonia
3 Albania Croatia 3 Croatia
2 Armenia 2 Switzerland
1 Iceland Ireland 1 Belgium
Greece received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 3 10 13 7
Armenia 2 8 10 6
Austria 14th 13th 0 0
Azerbaijan 10 13th 10 10
Belarus 14th 14th 0 0
Belgium 16th 1 1 1
Bulgaria 17th 10 10 10
Croatia 3 3 6 0
Cyprus 8 12 20 4
Estonia 13th 14th 0 0
Finland 11th 11th 0 0
Iceland 1 13th 1 1
Ireland 1 13th 1 1
Israel 17th 11th 0 0
Lithuania 12th 17th 0 0
North Macedonia 11th 4 4 4
Portugal 11th 11th 0 0
Spain 19th 12th 0 0
Switzerland 15th 2 2 2
Ari ÓlafssonOur Choice
Run.2Jury15 ptsTV0 pts150Total15 pts1519th
Iceland gaveX
12 Albania 12 Czech Republic
10 Israel 10 Finland
8 Ireland 8 Israel
7 Austria 7 Austria
6 Estonia 6 Estonia
5 Czech Republic 5 Cyprus
4 Finland 4 Ireland
3 Switzerland 3 Lithuania
2 Belgium 2 Switzerland
1 Greece 1 Azerbaijan
Iceland received (15 pts - 19th)X
Jury (15 pts - 19th) Televoting (0 pts - 19th)
7 Belarus
2 North Macedonia
1 Belgium Switzerland
Iceland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 17th 18th 0 0
Armenia 14th 18th 0 0
Austria 15th 17th 0 0
Azerbaijan 13th 15th 0 0
Belarus 7 17th 7 7
Belgium 1 15th 1 1
Bulgaria 18th 18th 0 0
Croatia 14th 18th 0 0
Cyprus 17th 18th 0 0
Estonia 11th 16th 0 0
Finland 13th 13th 0 0
Greece 18th 18th 0 0
Ireland 17th 16th 0 0
Israel 11th 17th 0 0
Lithuania 13th 15th 0 0
North Macedonia 2 17th 2 2
Portugal 16th 16th 0 0
Spain 18th 15th 0 0
Switzerland 1 16th 1 1
Ryan O'ShaughnessyTogether
Run.18Jury71 ptsTV108 pts71108Total179 pts1796th
Ireland gaveX
12 Cyprus 12 Lithuania
10 Israel 10 Estonia
8 Estonia 8 Austria
7 Austria 7 Cyprus
6 Bulgaria 6 Finland
5 Finland 5 Israel
4 Czech Republic 4 Czech Republic
3 Switzerland 3 Bulgaria
2 Belgium 2 Switzerland
1 Greece 1 Albania
Ireland received (179 pts - 6th)X
Jury (71 pts - 8th) Televoting (108 pts - 6th)
12 Lithuania 12 Austria Belgium Spain
10 Switzerland
8 Iceland 8 Croatia Portugal
7 Croatia
6 Estonia 6 Azerbaijan Finland Switzerland
5 Austria Belgium 5 Estonia
4 Finland 4 Greece Iceland Israel Lithuania
2 Belarus Spain 2 Cyprus
1 North Macedonia 1 Belarus
Ireland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 15th 14th 0 0
Armenia 11th 14th 0 0
Austria 5 12 17 7
Azerbaijan 11th 6 6 6
Belarus 2 1 3 1
Belgium 5 12 17 7
Bulgaria 14th 11th 0 0
Croatia 7 8 15 1
Cyprus 14th 2 2 2
Estonia 6 5 11 1
Finland 4 6 10 2
Greece 12th 4 4 4
Iceland 8 4 12 4
Israel 15th 4 4 4
Lithuania 12 4 16 8
North Macedonia 1 13th 1 1
Portugal 13th 8 8 8
Spain 2 12 14 10
Switzerland 10 6 16 4
Run.7Jury167 ptsTV116 pts167116Total283 pts2831st
Israel gaveX
12 Austria 12 Czech Republic
10 Azerbaijan 10 Cyprus
8 Switzerland 8 Austria
7 Finland 7 Estonia
6 Croatia 6 Finland
5 Armenia 5 Azerbaijan
4 Albania 4 Ireland
3 Czech Republic 3 Bulgaria
2 Lithuania 2 Belgium
1 North Macedonia 1 Switzerland
Israel received (283 pts - 1st)X
Jury (167 pts - 1st) Televoting (116 pts - 4th)
12 Armenia Austria Croatia Cyprus Finland Spain
10 Albania Iceland Ireland 10 Azerbaijan Belarus Finland
8 Cyprus Iceland Switzerland
7 Belgium Lithuania 7 Bulgaria Spain
6 Belarus 6 Austria
5 Bulgaria North Macedonia Switzerland 5 Ireland
4 Azerbaijan Greece 4 Albania Armenia
3 Belgium North Macedonia
2 Portugal 2 Greece Portugal
1 Estonia Lithuania
Israel received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 10 4 14 6
Armenia 12 4 16 8
Austria 12 6 18 6
Azerbaijan 4 10 14 6
Belarus 6 10 16 4
Belgium 7 3 10 4
Bulgaria 5 7 12 2
Croatia 12 11th 12 12
Cyprus 12 8 20 4
Estonia 12th 1 1 1
Finland 12 10 22 2
Greece 4 2 6 2
Iceland 10 8 18 2
Ireland 10 5 15 5
Lithuania 7 1 8 6
North Macedonia 5 3 8 2
Portugal 2 2 4 0
Spain 12 7 19 5
Switzerland 5 8 13 3
Ieva ZasimauskaiteWhen We're Old
Run.6Jury57 ptsTV62 pts5762Total119 pts1199th
Lithuania gaveX
12 Ireland 12 Estonia
10 Austria 10 Austria
8 Belgium 8 Belgium
7 Israel 7 Czech Republic
6 Switzerland 6 Belarus
5 Czech Republic 5 Cyprus
4 Estonia 4 Ireland
3 Bulgaria 3 Finland
2 Finland 2 Bulgaria
1 Albania 1 Israel
Lithuania received (119 pts - 9th)X
Jury (57 pts - 11th) Televoting (62 pts - 9th)
12 Portugal 12 Ireland
10 Bulgaria Estonia 10 Estonia
8 Croatia
7 Switzerland
6 Belarus Portugal
4 Belgium
3 Cyprus Iceland Spain
2 Austria Finland Israel 2 Finland
1 Albania 1 Azerbaijan
Lithuania received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 1 11th 1 1
Armenia 13th 12th 0 0
Austria 2 12th 2 2
Azerbaijan 16th 1 1 1
Belarus 11th 6 6 6
Belgium 13th 4 4 4
Bulgaria 10 14th 10 10
Croatia 8 14th 8 8
Cyprus 13th 3 3 3
Estonia 10 10 20 0
Finland 2 2 4 0
Greece 11th 13th 0 0
Iceland 13th 3 3 3
Ireland 15th 12 12 12
Israel 2 15th 2 2
North Macedonia 16th 16th 0 0
Portugal 12 6 18 6
Spain 14th 3 3 3
Switzerland 7 12th 7 7
Eye CueLost And Found
Run.11Jury18 ptsTV6 pts186Total24 pts2418th
North Macedonia gaveX
12 Bulgaria 12 Albania
10 Albania 10 Croatia
8 Czech Republic 8 Bulgaria
7 Azerbaijan 7 Cyprus
6 Croatia 6 Czech Republic
5 Israel 5 Azerbaijan
4 Estonia 4 Greece
3 Cyprus 3 Israel
2 Iceland 2 Finland
1 Ireland 1 Switzerland
North Macedonia received (24 pts - 18th)X
Jury (18 pts - 18th) Televoting (6 pts - 18th)
8 Albania
6 Azerbaijan
5 Bulgaria
3 Greece
1 Israel 1 Croatia
North Macedonia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 8 16th 8 8
Armenia 16th 16th 0 0
Austria 17th 18th 0 0
Azerbaijan 6 17th 6 6
Belarus 18th 18th 0 0
Belgium 18th 18th 0 0
Bulgaria 15th 5 5 5
Croatia 16th 1 1 1
Cyprus 12th 17th 0 0
Estonia 18th 18th 0 0
Finland 18th 18th 0 0
Greece 3 17th 3 3
Iceland 17th 18th 0 0
Ireland 16th 18th 0 0
Israel 1 18th 1 1
Lithuania 16th 18th 0 0
Portugal 17th 19th 0 0
Spain 17th 18th 0 0
Switzerland 18th 11th 0 0
Run.17Jury59 ptsTV27 pts5927Total86 pts8613th
Switzerland gaveX
12 Estonia 12 Austria
10 Ireland 10 Albania
8 Czech Republic 8 Israel
7 Lithuania 7 Cyprus
6 Austria 6 Ireland
5 Israel 5 Finland
4 Cyprus 4 Croatia
3 Bulgaria 3 Czech Republic
2 Finland 2 Greece
1 Iceland 1 Estonia
Switzerland received (86 pts - 13th)X
Jury (59 pts - 10th) Televoting (27 pts - 15th)
8 Belgium Israel 8 Austria
6 Lithuania
5 Croatia Spain
4 Finland
3 Armenia Azerbaijan Iceland Ireland 3 Portugal
2 Albania 2 Croatia Estonia Iceland Ireland
1 Austria Finland Greece 1 Albania Israel North Macedonia Spain
Switzerland received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Albania 2 1 3 1
Armenia 3 11th 3 3
Austria 1 8 9 7
Azerbaijan 3 12th 3 3
Belarus 16th 12th 0 0
Belgium 8 13th 8 8
Bulgaria 13th 12th 0 0
Croatia 5 2 7 3
Cyprus 11th 11th 0 0
Estonia 16th 2 2 2
Finland 1 4 5 3
Greece 1 11th 1 1
Iceland 3 2 5 1
Ireland 3 2 5 1
Israel 8 1 9 7
Lithuania 6 12th 6 6
North Macedonia 14th 1 1 1
Portugal 12th 3 3 3
Spain 5 1 6 4
Artist / Song
Run.Run.JuryJury ptsTVTV ptsJuryTVTotalTotal Pts ptsTotal PtsPlace
Jessica MauboyWe Got Love
Run.9Jury130 ptsTV82 pts13082Total212 pts2124th
Australia gaveX
12 Sweden 12 Denmark
10 Moldova 10 Moldova
8 Norway 8 Sweden
7 Ukraine 7 Malta
6 Denmark 6 Norway
5 Latvia 5 Ukraine
4 Hungary 4 Slovenia
3 Malta 3 Hungary
2 Slovenia 2 San Marino
1 Netherlands 1 Netherlands
Australia received (212 pts - 4th)X
Jury (130 pts - 3rd) Televoting (82 pts - 7th)
12 Denmark France Latvia
10 Hungary Moldova Norway Sweden 10 Malta
8 Germany Poland 8 Denmark Norway
7 Italy Malta 7 Germany Romania Sweden
6 Serbia Ukraine 6 France
5 Moldova
4 Netherlands 4 Netherlands Slovenia
3 Montenegro Russia 3 Hungary Poland Serbia
2 Slovenia 2 Latvia
1 Russia
Australia received from countriesX
Country Jury Televoting Total Gap
Denmark 12 8 20 4
France 12 6 18 6
Georgia 11th 13th 0 0
Germany 8 7 15 1
Hungary 10 3 13 7
Italy 7 12th 7 7
Latvia 12 2 14 10
Malta 7 10 17 3
Moldova 10 5 15 5
Montenegro 3 13th 3 3
Netherlands 4 4 8 0
Norway 10 8 18 2
Poland 8 3 11 5
Romania 12th 7 7 7
Russia 3 1 4 2