Euro 2024
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All Countries
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- Israel
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- San Marino
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- Serbia-Montenegro
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- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- Yugoslavia
Nul points
1973 - Luxembourg
All participants
Semi 1
Semi 2
Belgium gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain |
7 | Ireland |
6 | Portugal |
6 | Luxembourg |
6 | United Kingdom |
6 | Israel |
5 | Germany |
5 | Norway |
5 | Italy |
4 | Sweden |
4 | Netherlands |
3 | Monaco |
3 | Switzerland |
3 | Yugoslavia |
3 | France |
Belgium received (58 pts - 17th)X
Pts | Country |
6 | Monaco Spain |
5 | United Kingdom |
4 | Finland Germany Ireland Luxembourg Switzerland Yugoslavia |
3 | Netherlands Norway Portugal |
2 | France Israel Italy Sweden |
Belgium received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Finland gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Norway |
8 | Sweden |
6 | Monaco |
6 | Luxembourg |
6 | Israel |
5 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Switzerland |
4 | Netherlands |
4 | France |
3 | Spain |
3 | Ireland |
2 | Germany |
2 | Italy |
Finland received (93 pts - 6th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Sweden Yugoslavia |
6 | Germany Luxembourg Norway Spain Switzerland |
5 | Ireland Israel Monaco Netherlands Portugal |
4 | France |
2 | Italy |
Finland received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
France gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Germany |
6 | Portugal |
6 | Norway |
6 | Netherlands |
5 | Monaco |
5 | Italy |
5 | Israel |
4 | Finland |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Sweden |
4 | Ireland |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Switzerland |
France received (65 pts - 15th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Yugoslavia |
5 | Ireland Monaco Netherlands Spain Sweden United Kingdom |
4 | Finland Germany Norway Switzerland |
3 | Belgium Luxembourg |
2 | Israel Italy Portugal |
France received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Germany gaveX
Pts | Country |
7 | Luxembourg |
7 | United Kingdom |
7 | Israel |
6 | Finland |
6 | Norway |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Italy |
5 | Sweden |
5 | Netherlands |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Monaco |
4 | Switzerland |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Ireland |
4 | France |
Germany received (85 pts - 8th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | France Luxembourg Switzerland |
6 | Ireland Portugal Sweden |
5 | Belgium Monaco Netherlands United Kingdom |
4 | Israel Norway Yugoslavia |
3 | Italy |
2 | Finland |
Germany received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Ireland gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Spain |
8 | Luxembourg |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | Israel |
6 | Germany |
6 | Monaco |
5 | Finland |
5 | Yugoslavia |
5 | Sweden |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | France |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Italy |
3 | Norway |
Ireland received (80 pts - 10th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Belgium Spain |
6 | Luxembourg Monaco Netherlands Norway |
5 | Italy Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Yugoslavia |
4 | France Germany Israel |
3 | Finland |
2 | Portugal |
Ireland received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Israel gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain |
8 | Luxembourg |
5 | Finland |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Sweden |
4 | Germany |
4 | Monaco |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Italy |
4 | Ireland |
3 | Switzerland |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Netherlands |
2 | France |
Israel received (97 pts - 4th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
7 | Germany Ireland Italy Monaco Yugoslavia |
6 | Belgium Finland Netherlands Sweden Switzerland |
5 | France Norway Portugal United Kingdom |
4 | Spain |
Israel received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Italy gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Spain |
8 | Monaco |
7 | Israel |
5 | Norway |
5 | Sweden |
5 | Ireland |
5 | United Kingdom |
4 | Switzerland |
4 | Netherlands |
3 | Portugal |
3 | Germany |
2 | Finland |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Yugoslavia |
2 | France |
Italy received (74 pts - 13th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Switzerland |
5 | Belgium France Germany Luxembourg Monaco Norway Spain Sweden United Kingdom Yugoslavia |
4 | Ireland Israel Netherlands |
3 | Portugal |
2 | Finland |
Italy received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Luxembourg gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | United Kingdom |
8 | Spain |
8 | Israel |
7 | Germany |
7 | Norway |
7 | Netherlands |
6 | Finland |
6 | Monaco |
6 | Switzerland |
6 | Sweden |
6 | Ireland |
5 | Italy |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Yugoslavia |
3 | France |
Luxembourg received (129 pts - 1st)X
Pts | Country |
10 | France Switzerland United Kingdom |
8 | Ireland Israel Norway Portugal Sweden |
7 | Germany Monaco |
6 | Belgium Finland Spain |
Luxembourg received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Monaco gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Norway |
7 | Luxembourg |
7 | Israel |
6 | Belgium |
6 | Ireland |
5 | Finland |
5 | Germany |
5 | Switzerland |
5 | Yugoslavia |
5 | Italy |
5 | Sweden |
5 | France |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Netherlands |
Monaco received (85 pts - 8th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Italy |
6 | Finland Ireland Luxembourg Spain |
5 | France Netherlands Switzerland |
4 | Germany Israel Sweden |
3 | Belgium Norway |
2 | Portugal |
Monaco received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Netherlands gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Spain |
10 | United Kingdom |
8 | Switzerland |
6 | Sweden |
6 | Ireland |
6 | Israel |
5 | Finland |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Germany |
5 | Monaco |
5 | France |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Italy |
3 | Belgium |
3 | Norway |
Netherlands received (69 pts - 14th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Luxembourg |
6 | France |
5 | Germany Ireland Norway Spain Switzerland Yugoslavia |
4 | Belgium Finland Italy Monaco |
3 | Sweden United Kingdom |
2 | Israel Portugal |
Netherlands received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Norway gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
8 | Sweden |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | United Kingdom |
6 | Finland |
6 | Ireland |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Italy |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | Israel |
4 | Germany |
4 | Spain |
4 | France |
3 | Belgium |
3 | Monaco |
2 | Yugoslavia |
Norway received (89 pts - 7th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Finland |
7 | Luxembourg Monaco Switzerland |
6 | France Germany Spain Yugoslavia |
5 | Belgium Italy Portugal |
3 | Ireland Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom |
Norway received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Portugal gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
6 | Germany |
6 | United Kingdom |
5 | Finland |
5 | Norway |
5 | Israel |
4 | Sweden |
3 | Belgium |
3 | Switzerland |
3 | Yugoslavia |
3 | Italy |
2 | Monaco |
2 | Netherlands |
2 | Ireland |
2 | France |
Portugal received (80 pts - 10th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain Switzerland |
6 | Belgium France Yugoslavia |
5 | Germany Israel Netherlands Norway United Kingdom |
4 | Finland Ireland Luxembourg Monaco |
3 | Italy |
2 | Sweden |
Portugal received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Spain gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Portugal |
8 | Yugoslavia |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | Sweden |
7 | Ireland |
6 | Finland |
6 | Belgium |
6 | Norway |
6 | Monaco |
6 | Luxembourg |
5 | Italy |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | France |
4 | United Kingdom |
4 | Israel |
Spain received (125 pts - 2nd)X
Pts | Country |
10 | Ireland Italy Netherlands |
8 | Belgium Israel Luxembourg Switzerland |
7 | Sweden |
4 | Norway United Kingdom |
3 | Finland |
Spain received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Sweden gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
7 | Finland |
7 | Spain |
6 | Germany |
6 | Israel |
5 | Italy |
5 | Ireland |
5 | France |
4 | Monaco |
3 | Norway |
3 | Switzerland |
3 | Netherlands |
2 | Yugoslavia |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Portugal |
Sweden received (94 pts - 5th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Finland Norway |
7 | Spain United Kingdom |
6 | Luxembourg Netherlands Yugoslavia |
5 | Germany Ireland Israel Italy Monaco |
4 | Belgium France Portugal |
Sweden received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Switzerland gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg |
8 | Portugal |
8 | Spain |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Germany |
7 | Norway |
7 | Italy |
6 | Finland |
6 | Yugoslavia |
6 | Israel |
5 | Monaco |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | Ireland |
4 | Belgium |
4 | France |
Switzerland received (79 pts - 12th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Netherlands |
7 | Ireland Norway Spain United Kingdom |
6 | Luxembourg Yugoslavia |
5 | Monaco |
4 | Finland Germany Italy |
3 | Belgium Israel Portugal Sweden |
2 | France |
Switzerland received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
United Kingdom gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | Sweden |
5 | Belgium |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Germany |
5 | Italy |
5 | Ireland |
5 | France |
5 | Israel |
4 | Spain |
4 | Yugoslavia |
3 | Norway |
3 | Netherlands |
United Kingdom received (123 pts - 3rd)X
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg Netherlands |
8 | France Monaco Switzerland Yugoslavia |
7 | Germany Norway |
6 | Belgium Portugal |
5 | Italy |
4 | Spain |
United Kingdom received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
Yugoslavia |
Yugoslavia gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Finland |
7 | France |
7 | Israel |
6 | Portugal |
6 | Norway |
6 | Switzerland |
6 | Sweden |
5 | Italy |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | Ireland |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Germany |
Yugoslavia received (65 pts - 15th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain |
6 | Switzerland |
5 | Finland Ireland Monaco |
4 | France Germany Israel Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom |
3 | Belgium Portugal |
2 | Italy Norway Sweden |
Yugoslavia received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom |
Belgium gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain |
7 | Ireland |
6 | Portugal |
6 | Luxembourg |
6 | United Kingdom |
6 | Israel |
5 | Germany |
5 | Norway |
5 | Italy |
4 | Sweden |
4 | Netherlands |
3 | Monaco |
3 | Switzerland |
3 | Yugoslavia |
3 | France |
Belgium received (58 pts - 17th)X
Pts | Country |
6 | Monaco Spain |
5 | United Kingdom |
4 | Finland Germany Ireland Luxembourg Switzerland Yugoslavia |
3 | Netherlands Norway Portugal |
2 | France Israel Italy Sweden |
Belgium received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Finland gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Norway |
8 | Sweden |
6 | Monaco |
6 | Luxembourg |
6 | Israel |
5 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Switzerland |
4 | Netherlands |
4 | France |
3 | Spain |
3 | Ireland |
2 | Germany |
2 | Italy |
Finland received (93 pts - 6th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Sweden Yugoslavia |
6 | Germany Luxembourg Norway Spain Switzerland |
5 | Ireland Israel Monaco Netherlands Portugal |
4 | France |
2 | Italy |
Finland received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
France gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Germany |
6 | Portugal |
6 | Norway |
6 | Netherlands |
5 | Monaco |
5 | Italy |
5 | Israel |
4 | Finland |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Sweden |
4 | Ireland |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Switzerland |
France received (65 pts - 15th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Yugoslavia |
5 | Ireland Monaco Netherlands Spain Sweden United Kingdom |
4 | Finland Germany Norway Switzerland |
3 | Belgium Luxembourg |
2 | Israel Italy Portugal |
France received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Germany gaveX
Pts | Country |
7 | Luxembourg |
7 | United Kingdom |
7 | Israel |
6 | Finland |
6 | Norway |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Italy |
5 | Sweden |
5 | Netherlands |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Monaco |
4 | Switzerland |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Ireland |
4 | France |
Germany received (85 pts - 8th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | France Luxembourg Switzerland |
6 | Ireland Portugal Sweden |
5 | Belgium Monaco Netherlands United Kingdom |
4 | Israel Norway Yugoslavia |
3 | Italy |
2 | Finland |
Germany received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Ireland gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Spain |
8 | Luxembourg |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | Israel |
6 | Germany |
6 | Monaco |
5 | Finland |
5 | Yugoslavia |
5 | Sweden |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | France |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Italy |
3 | Norway |
Ireland received (80 pts - 10th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Belgium Spain |
6 | Luxembourg Monaco Netherlands Norway |
5 | Italy Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Yugoslavia |
4 | France Germany Israel |
3 | Finland |
2 | Portugal |
Ireland received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Israel gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain |
8 | Luxembourg |
5 | Finland |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Sweden |
4 | Germany |
4 | Monaco |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Italy |
4 | Ireland |
3 | Switzerland |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Netherlands |
2 | France |
Israel received (97 pts - 4th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
7 | Germany Ireland Italy Monaco Yugoslavia |
6 | Belgium Finland Netherlands Sweden Switzerland |
5 | France Norway Portugal United Kingdom |
4 | Spain |
Israel received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Italy gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Spain |
8 | Monaco |
7 | Israel |
5 | Norway |
5 | Sweden |
5 | Ireland |
5 | United Kingdom |
4 | Switzerland |
4 | Netherlands |
3 | Portugal |
3 | Germany |
2 | Finland |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Yugoslavia |
2 | France |
Italy received (74 pts - 13th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Switzerland |
5 | Belgium France Germany Luxembourg Monaco Norway Spain Sweden United Kingdom Yugoslavia |
4 | Ireland Israel Netherlands |
3 | Portugal |
2 | Finland |
Italy received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Luxembourg gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | United Kingdom |
8 | Spain |
8 | Israel |
7 | Germany |
7 | Norway |
7 | Netherlands |
6 | Finland |
6 | Monaco |
6 | Switzerland |
6 | Sweden |
6 | Ireland |
5 | Italy |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Yugoslavia |
3 | France |
Luxembourg received (129 pts - 1st)X
Pts | Country |
10 | France Switzerland United Kingdom |
8 | Ireland Israel Norway Portugal Sweden |
7 | Germany Monaco |
6 | Belgium Finland Spain |
Luxembourg received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Monaco gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Norway |
7 | Luxembourg |
7 | Israel |
6 | Belgium |
6 | Ireland |
5 | Finland |
5 | Germany |
5 | Switzerland |
5 | Yugoslavia |
5 | Italy |
5 | Sweden |
5 | France |
4 | Portugal |
4 | Netherlands |
Monaco received (85 pts - 8th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Italy |
6 | Finland Ireland Luxembourg Spain |
5 | France Netherlands Switzerland |
4 | Germany Israel Sweden |
3 | Belgium Norway |
2 | Portugal |
Monaco received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Netherlands gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Spain |
10 | United Kingdom |
8 | Switzerland |
6 | Sweden |
6 | Ireland |
6 | Israel |
5 | Finland |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Germany |
5 | Monaco |
5 | France |
4 | Yugoslavia |
4 | Italy |
3 | Belgium |
3 | Norway |
Netherlands received (69 pts - 14th)X
Pts | Country |
7 | Luxembourg |
6 | France |
5 | Germany Ireland Norway Spain Switzerland Yugoslavia |
4 | Belgium Finland Italy Monaco |
3 | Sweden United Kingdom |
2 | Israel Portugal |
Netherlands received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Norway gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
8 | Sweden |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | United Kingdom |
6 | Finland |
6 | Ireland |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Italy |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | Israel |
4 | Germany |
4 | Spain |
4 | France |
3 | Belgium |
3 | Monaco |
2 | Yugoslavia |
Norway received (89 pts - 7th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Finland |
7 | Luxembourg Monaco Switzerland |
6 | France Germany Spain Yugoslavia |
5 | Belgium Italy Portugal |
3 | Ireland Netherlands Sweden United Kingdom |
Norway received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Portugal gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
6 | Germany |
6 | United Kingdom |
5 | Finland |
5 | Norway |
5 | Israel |
4 | Sweden |
3 | Belgium |
3 | Switzerland |
3 | Yugoslavia |
3 | Italy |
2 | Monaco |
2 | Netherlands |
2 | Ireland |
2 | France |
Portugal received (80 pts - 10th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain Switzerland |
6 | Belgium France Yugoslavia |
5 | Germany Israel Netherlands Norway United Kingdom |
4 | Finland Ireland Luxembourg Monaco |
3 | Italy |
2 | Sweden |
Portugal received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Spain gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Portugal |
8 | Yugoslavia |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | Sweden |
7 | Ireland |
6 | Finland |
6 | Belgium |
6 | Norway |
6 | Monaco |
6 | Luxembourg |
5 | Italy |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | France |
4 | United Kingdom |
4 | Israel |
Spain received (125 pts - 2nd)X
Pts | Country |
10 | Ireland Italy Netherlands |
8 | Belgium Israel Luxembourg Switzerland |
7 | Sweden |
4 | Norway United Kingdom |
3 | Finland |
Spain received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Sweden gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | Luxembourg |
7 | Finland |
7 | Spain |
6 | Germany |
6 | Israel |
5 | Italy |
5 | Ireland |
5 | France |
4 | Monaco |
3 | Norway |
3 | Switzerland |
3 | Netherlands |
2 | Yugoslavia |
2 | Belgium |
2 | Portugal |
Sweden received (94 pts - 5th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Finland Norway |
7 | Spain United Kingdom |
6 | Luxembourg Netherlands Yugoslavia |
5 | Germany Ireland Israel Italy Monaco |
4 | Belgium France Portugal |
Sweden received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
Switzerland gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg |
8 | Portugal |
8 | Spain |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Germany |
7 | Norway |
7 | Italy |
6 | Finland |
6 | Yugoslavia |
6 | Israel |
5 | Monaco |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | Ireland |
4 | Belgium |
4 | France |
Switzerland received (79 pts - 12th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Netherlands |
7 | Ireland Norway Spain United Kingdom |
6 | Luxembourg Yugoslavia |
5 | Monaco |
4 | Finland Germany Italy |
3 | Belgium Israel Portugal Sweden |
2 | France |
Switzerland received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
United Kingdom | |
Yugoslavia |
United Kingdom gaveX
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg |
7 | Switzerland |
7 | Sweden |
5 | Belgium |
5 | Portugal |
5 | Germany |
5 | Italy |
5 | Ireland |
5 | France |
5 | Israel |
4 | Spain |
4 | Yugoslavia |
3 | Norway |
3 | Netherlands |
United Kingdom received (123 pts - 3rd)X
Pts | Country |
10 | Luxembourg Netherlands |
8 | France Monaco Switzerland Yugoslavia |
7 | Germany Norway |
6 | Belgium Portugal |
5 | Italy |
4 | Spain |
United Kingdom received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
Yugoslavia |
Yugoslavia gaveX
Pts | Country |
8 | United Kingdom |
7 | Finland |
7 | France |
7 | Israel |
6 | Portugal |
6 | Norway |
6 | Switzerland |
6 | Sweden |
5 | Italy |
5 | Netherlands |
5 | Ireland |
4 | Belgium |
4 | Germany |
Yugoslavia received (65 pts - 15th)X
Pts | Country |
8 | Spain |
6 | Switzerland |
5 | Finland Ireland Monaco |
4 | France Germany Israel Luxembourg Netherlands United Kingdom |
3 | Belgium Portugal |
2 | Italy Norway Sweden |
Yugoslavia received from countriesX
Country | Pts |
Belgium | |
Finland | |
France | |
Germany | |
Ireland | |
Israel | |
Italy | |
Luxembourg | |
Monaco | |
Netherlands | |
Norway | |
Portugal | |
Spain | |
Sweden | |
Switzerland | |
United Kingdom |
Place | Total | |
Country | Pts | |
1 | Luxembourg | 129 |
2 | Spain | 125 |
3 | United Kingdom | 123 |
4 | Israel | 97 |
5 | Sweden | 94 |
6 | Finland | 93 |
7 | Norway | 89 |
8 | Germany | 85 |
8 | Monaco | 85 |
10 | Ireland | 80 |
10 | Portugal | 80 |
12 | Switzerland | 79 |
13 | Italy | 74 |
14 | Netherlands | 69 |
15 | France | 65 |
15 | Yugoslavia | 65 |
17 | Belgium | 58 |
Place | Total | |
Country | Pts | |
1 | Luxembourg | 129 |
2 | Spain | 125 |
3 | United Kingdom | 123 |
4 | Israel | 97 |
5 | Sweden | 94 |
6 | Finland | 93 |
7 | Norway | 89 |
8 | Germany | 85 |
8 | Monaco | 85 |
10 | Ireland | 80 |
10 | Portugal | 80 |
12 | Switzerland | 79 |
13 | Italy | 74 |
14 | Netherlands | 69 |
15 | France | 65 |
15 | Yugoslavia | 65 |
17 | Belgium | 58 |
Place | Total Score | Belgium | Finland | France | Germany | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Luxembourg | Monaco | Netherlands | Norway | Portugal | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | United Kingdom | Yugoslavia | Running order | |
Luxembourg | 1 | 129 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 7 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 10 | 9 | 11 | |
Spain | 2 | 125 | 8 | 3 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 8 | 10 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 4 | 9 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 9 | 7 | |
United Kingdom | 3 | 123 | 6 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 10 | 8 | 10 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 15 | |
Israel | 4 | 97 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 17 | |
Sweden | 5 | 94 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 7 | 6 | 12 | |
Finland | 6 | 93 | 9 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 7 | 1 | |
Norway | 7 | 89 | 5 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 6 | 5 | |
Germany | 8 | 85 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 4 | |
Monaco | 8 | 85 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 9 | 9 | 6 | |
Portugal | 10 | 80 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 2 | 8 | 5 | 6 | 3 | |
Ireland | 10 | 80 | 7 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 14 | |
Switzerland | 12 | 79 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 7 | 3 | 7 | 3 | 7 | 6 | 8 | |
Italy | 13 | 74 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 10 | |
Netherlands | 14 | 69 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 13 | |
Yugoslavia | 15 | 65 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 6 | 4 | 9 | |
France | 15 | 65 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 7 | 16 | |
Belgium | 17 | 58 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 2 |
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